What is the expectation when a teacher is talking?
All voices are off.
What is Ms. Elliott's favorite animal?
Who is the Music Teacher?
Ms. Campbell
Which classmate is the first to have their birthday this school year?
Follow the expectations of the light anyway, and raise your hand to ask the teacher to change it.
How long should a Yellow Zone break be?
4 minutes
What kind of videos does Ms. Elliott play after returning from lunch/specials and during work time?
Videos of Ocean Animals/Nature OR Relaxing music videos
What does the second whistle mean during recess?
Time to line up
Which student decorated their desk like Plants vs. Zombies?
When is the best time to take a bathroom break?
What does the Orange light mean?
The Orange light is for guests in the classroom and can mean anything that the guest wants it to mean.
What is Mr. Cody's favorite color?
Blue (Light Blue)
What are the expectations when walking outside of the classroom (Going to and from specials)?
Which classmate has a cool Crocodile Toy?
What should happen when the timer gets low on time during break?
Quiet Voices, Cleared off Desk, Sitting in the correct seat
What happens if a classmate says 'Beep Beep?'
Ignore it, and quietly remind the classmate that it is a signal for the teachers to use, not the students
Where are the characters from Mr. Cody's water bottle from?
Video Games
Your classmate fell down during a fire drill! What do you do?
Keep going (and make sure they are ok later!)
Which classmate has a V as the first letter in their last name?
What zone is the outside break zone for?
Blue zone (Sleepy, Tired)
What does the hand signal of rubbing your hands together mean?
Try to have some patience. (Patience Tool)
What is Ms. Elliott's favorite book? (5th graders, think back to Read Across America day. What book did Ms. Elliott read?)
*hint* its a Dr. Seuss Book
Yertle the Turtle
What are the last names of each teacher on the third floor? (Name each teacher on the third floor)
Elliott, Johnson, Biggs, Montano, Rojas-Cortes
Who is the oldest 5th grader?
What happens if you lose one of your markers?
You can replace it with one from the materials area if there are some, otherwise, tough luck.