The intermediate direction to look and walk towards our classroom library?
What is northwest?
She is the name of the teacher who is USUALLY in room 206, but she is on medical leave to be with her son.
Who is Ms. Grasham?
She is the name of your reading and SS teacher.
Who is Mrs. Rhonemus?
The direction to look at the whiteboards and Active board?
What is north?
The way you need to face and walk to find the turn in drawers.
What is east?
This is the direction of the nonfiction bookshelves FROM the fiction bookshelves in our classroom library.
What is south or to the left?
It is the name of this week's substitute teacher.
Who is Mrs. McDaniel?
This is where you can look to see how to spell Mrs. Rhonemus' name.
What is the pencil hanging on the north wall?
This is the number of pencil sharpeners we have in the room 205.
4 (3 plug in and 1 manual)
This is what our Wednesday folders sits on top of.
What is a short file cabinet on the west side of the classroom?
This is the number of carpets we have in the room.
What is 3?
The cardinal direction Ms. Grasham's class is from room 205.
What is east?
This is the corner of room 205 to find Mrs. Rhonemus' laptop.
What is the southwest corner?
The location of all extra scissors, glue sticks, lined paper, plain paper, and more!
What is the sharing shelf in the northeast part of our classroom?
The color of stars that let us know what we need to do in Social Studies.
What is blue?
This is the number of carpets that you can NOT eat or drink on.
What is 1 - the brown fuzzy carpet?
This is the direction you need to walk to go from Ms. Grasham's room to room 205 through the "secret passageway"?
What is west?
The locker number you can find how to wait to get help from Mrs. Rhonemus.
What is locker # 29
The direction of the wall of where to go get a bandaide when needed.
What is south?
The color of stars & border trim of all our reading information?
What is gold?
This is where you can find extra copies of THIS week's work if you need it.
What is the "rack" on the table under the active board on the north wall for MOST copies and resources? For extra spelling worksheets, see the blue covered bulletin board on the northeast wall.
PAST copies are in "rack" in the southeast corner of the room.
The direction our waiting line runs when we wait to go back to Ms. Grasham's room.
What is east - west?
The shape of the table closest to Mrs. Rhonemus' desk which we will use to meet for small group.
What is a horseshoe?
This is the wall that you can find ASL signs to communicate with Mrs. Rhonemus SILENTLY.
What is the north blue wall?
This is when you LOOK and LISTEN to learn with laptops shut down, NO sharpening of pencils, & do NOT walk around the room.
What is during whole group lessons/ lectures while Mrs. Rhonemus is usually wearing the microphone?