What is the procedure for when a visitor enters the classroom?
Let them see you at work; greet them; don't leave your seat or call out to the visitor.
What are the procedures for using the restroom during the day?
1. If at all possible, go before school or during lunch.
2. Don't ask to go while Ms. Martin is talking to the whole group.
3. Show the bathroom sign - twisted peace sign and make eye contact with Ms. Martin
4. Sign in and out.
5. ALWAYS: Walk to and from the bathroom silently and behave responsibly in the bathroom.
What does SLANT stand for?
Sit Up
Lean Forward/Listen
Ask Questions
Nod Your Head
Track the Speaker
How can you get your iPad privileges taken away?
Not following instructions
Going on inappropriate sites
Chatting with peers
Looking up images
Not stopping when asked
What sports/games are allowed during recess
Play structure
Dodgeball (w/adult)
4 square
How do you know when it is okay to talk to others in class?
Follow Ms. Martin instructions and/or during partner/group work time.
When is a good time to sharpen pencils?
Before school (8:25) or at the end of the day (Clean up - 1:45pm).
What do you do when Ms. Martin calls out an attention getter?
Stop what your doing (working/talking)
Turn to face the speaker
Give your full attention
iPad - what if something isn't working?
Power it off
Reread the directions
Ask 3 people before Ms. Martin
Have your log-in card out
What are the boundaries for recess?
The yellow lines - If you can't see an adult you've gone too far
What is the procedure for when the telephone rings or an announcement comes over the intercom?
Immediately stop what you're doing (for announcements) become Super Silent and Listen
What should you do if you are finished with a test or assignment and Ms. Martin hasn't told you what to do next?
Read or work on unfinished work.
What does AVID stand for?
Advancement (Moving Up)
Via (Through)
Individual (Your Own)
Determination (Hard Work)
When is it okay to share your username and password?
ALWAYS sign out before putting your iPad away. Remember you are sharing it with another student.
If you see something on the ground that is "bad", what should you do?
Report it to a staff member right away
When is it okay to get a drink of water?
1. During independent work time, it's okay to get a drink from the classroom fountain without asking.
2. Only when someone else isn't there.
3. Water bottles are okay as long as the lid is on; they need to be kept on the back counter.
4. No liquid except water is allowed in the classroom.
5. Not when returning to the classroom (NOT after recess)
What is the procedure for entering the classroom (at the beginning of the day, after rotations, or after recess/lunch)?
Greet the teacher
Check the board/TV for messages and start working quietly.
When there is no specific work on the board, desk, or TV - read or work on unfinished work.
What is one of our classroom norms/rules?
See poster
What is the Zen Zone for?
To take a mental break
Calm down
Reflect on behavior
True or False:
If you become injured during recess, you should wait until you get back in the classroom to tell the teacher?
You report it to yard duty right away.
When is it okay to come talk to Ms. Martin when she's working with an individual student or a small group?
Never! Well, okay, if there is a life or death emergency I'd want to know about that.
What is the proper way to stand and walk in line?
Line up front to back. Security holds all of the doors. Don't touch anyone or anything (including the walls or polls). Stop at all designated stops. Any time you are in a line you need to be completely, 100% silent, whether you are walking or standing still.
What does WICOR stand for?
Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading
What can be in your desk?
School Books (Math/Science)
Notebooks (Math/Science)
No: pencils, erasers, coloring utensils, personal belongings, food/candy
Who is responsible for your personal belongings outside?
You (self)