3 quarters + 1 dime + 4 pennies = ???
89 cents
How many planets do we have in our solar system now?
Harry Potter is a _______
What day of the week was Christmas Day celebrated this past December?
It was on a Tuesday
What holiday is celebrated this coming Monday?
Martin Luther King/Civil Rights Day
What is the addition sentence for 6X4?
Which planet is closest to the Sun?
What is the name of the school Harry will learn magic?
If I say it's "a quarter to six" what time is it?
Who do the Patriots play this coming Sunday?
The Kansas City Chiefs
I have a $1 bill and 3 dimes. Ms Rebecca has 6 quarters. Who has more money?
Ms Rebecca ($1.50 to $1.30)
Which planet is furthest away from the Sun?
What is the shape of Harry's scar?
Lightening Bolt.
Who wrote The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?
C.S. Lewis
When is our next week of vacation?
February 18-22
Start with 8
Double it
Add 4
Cut it in half
What do you have?
Name all 8 planets.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
Where does Hagrid find Harry?
The shack on the island.
What is Ms Rebecca's last name?
Why does staff like coloring so much lately?
We have no idea!!!
Start with 32
Subtract 10
Double it
What do you have?
Which planets have rings?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
What are the first names of Mr. and Mrs. Dursley?
Vernon and Petunia
What was up with the "What's up with that?" Jeopardy category?
I dunno, I mean what really was up wit dat???
What delicious food did our friend Aidan share with us earlier this week?
Whoopie Pies (yum)!!!