This is the number one rule in Miss Carrier's classroom.
What is no talking when the teaching is talking?
This is the correct way to answer a question.
What is raise your hand, and wait for Miss Carrier to call on you?
This reward can be sweet.
What is food, such as Goobstoppers or candy?
This happens when you continue to disrupt the class and talk out of turn during instruction time. It can also happen if you are tardy, chew gum, throw objects, or participate in horseplay while in Miss Carrier's classroom.
What is get an intervention?
This is what students do immediately when they enter the room.
What is begin the warm-up?
This is the second rule in Miss Carrier's classroom.
What is be responsible?
This is the correct way to act during a fire or fire drill.
What is QUICKLY close your mouth, QUICKLY line up, and walk QUICKLY in a single file line out the main doors of the school building?
This reward will involve paper.
What is a positive note home?
This can happen if you do not produce your canteen card when Miss Carrier asks to take a tab.
What is lose your canteen priviledges?
These areas of the room are off limits to students.
What are the teacher's desk and the closet near the phone?
This is one way to be responsible in Miss Carrier's classroom that involves having notebook paper, a pencil, and a book.
What is bringing your materials to class?
This is the correct way to get Miss Carrier's attention.
What is raise your hand and wait for Miss Carrier to call on you?
This reward in Miss Carrier's class involves speaking with your parents.
What is a positive phone call home?
This is the result of the second intervention that Miss Carrier gives you.
What is call home to parents and guardians ?
These are six parts of the Furman uniform.
What are khaki pants, blue or white polos, tucked in shirts, black or brown belts, solid navy or white jackets, and brown, black, or white shoes?
This is another way to be responsible in Miss Carrier's classroom that involves no one being injured.
What is keeping your hands, feet, and objects to yourself?
This is not the correct way to get Miss Carrier's attention.
What is getting out of your seat to get her, raising your hand but calling her name, saying 'yo, bo, hey you', or yelling her name across the room?
This reward involves Miss Carrier congratulating you, and giving you encouragement.
What is verbal praise?
This can happen if you constantly disrupt the class or continue to talk out of turn while Miss Carrier is teaching. It can also happen if you fail to turn in an interim by the deadline.
What is get a lunch detention?
This is the how students should act when there is a visitor in the classroom.
What is to carry on class as normal by behaving appropiately and following all rules and procedures?
This is another way to be responsible in Miss Carrier's class that involves the homework bin.
What is turning your work in/turning your work in on time?
This is the correct way to turn work in for Language Arts class.
What is putting the work in the TOP bin that is correctly labeled for your class period?
This happens when you follow the rules and procedures.
What is earn a reward?
This is what happens if you receive your 5th intervention and/or have severe classroom disruption.
What is get written up?
Students may temporarily give Miss Carrier a bookbag, or lanyard for colateral.
What is the procedure for borrowing a pencil or other materials?