The day we have gym class.
What is Wednesday?
What is 12:45?
This is how I walk into the classroom or any classroom in the school.
What is quietly and in a line?
Hola !
What is hello?
What are the school colors?
Computers is held on this day.
What is Monday?
The morning bathroom time is on the third floor at this time.
What is 9:45 ?
What it looks like when I walk down the hallway.
What is a straight line?
Panthers believe....
What is Panthers Achieve?
Mrs. Smith played this sport in college.
What is a soccer?
On Tuesdays I can paint or draw during this prep.
What is Art class?
Our prep time EVERYDAY is at the same time.
What is 10:30?
This is how I ask to use supplies in the classroom?
What is may I ?
Good morning 311 !
What is Good Morning Mrs. Smith?
This is Mrs. Smith's favorite color?
What is blue?
I go to room 207 for music on this day.
What is Thursday?
Our new bathroom time in the afternoon is on the third floor at this time.
What is 2:00?
I get all my minutes and units while working only on this website.
What is Lexia?
Make a "Larry"
What is a left turn?
Mrs. Smith is having a girl on this date.
What is March 16th?
Ms. Vandenburg teaches us Science enrichment in our classroom on this day.
What is Friday?
The time math starts before lunch.
What is 12:00.
Respectful, Responsible, Cooperative, Problem Solvers
What are the Panther Pride rules?
You must be butter...
What is "you are on a roll"?
The name of Mrs. Smith's pet cat.