Who is the main charcter?
Ted Hammond
Where does Ted live?
Plattsford, Nebraska
Ted climbs into the loft of the Anderson's barn to stakeout the area. What happens as he is leaving?
A girl appears behind him and makes him promise not to tell anyone she's there.
What happened when Ted met Alexa?
She thanked him and offered him money.
How many kids are in Ted's grade?
only 1 - Ted
What is the name of the girl who Ted sees in the window of the old Anderson farm?
What is the name of Ted's school?
How could Ted get food to the mystery girl?
He took things from his own house dropped them off during his paper delivery.
Where was Mrs. Mitchell going when she drove by Ted near the Anderson farm?
To talk to the superintendent about the possible closing of Red Prairie Learning Center
Why is Red Prairie Learning Center in danger of closing?
There aren't enough students.
What is the name on the girls shoe? (Hint: it's also the name of April's mom)
Where are April and her family hiding?
The old Anderson farm
April asked Ted if he'd heard her mom's name on the news. What did Ted imagine about Alexa and why she might be on the news?
She was lost, in trouble with the law, a bank robber, or kidnapper...
Explain why April and her family left their home and are hiding in Plattsford.
April's dad died and one of the Dad's friend's tried to come live with the family. They got scared and rand away but the car broke down.
What happened when the town found our about April's family?
They had a parade to welcome them and people offered to help with a car and home.
What is Ted's teacher's name?
Mrs. Mitchell
Besides his own kitchen, where did Ted go to get supplies for April and her family?
E & A Market
When the store clerk questioned Ted's purchases (matches, candles, sterno cans), what did he say as an excuse?
He was a boyscout and was always prepared. There were probably going to be some big storms in the Spring.
What happened when Mrs. Mitchell talked to Ted after seeing him near the Anderson farm?
Ted told her about April's family and made her promise not to tell anyone.
What finally made Alexa call her sister for help?
She realized that she didn't want to ask strangers for help when she knew she could count on her family.
What is Alexa and April's last name?
Where were April and her family going to stay after leaving Plattsford?
Colorado with her Aunt.
How did Ted find Alexa once they left the Anderson farm?
He found the Snickers wrapper with a note that said, "we're close" and realized he could see the Kosczinski farm from the attic window.
Why was Ted so angry when he found out the police had been to the Anderson farm?
He thought Mrs. Mitchell had broken her promise and told them about April's family.
The town began to grow. Who moved in and why?
The town was in the news for their kindness toward a military family. Other military families decided to move there and that meant the school could stay open.