Res Life Staff
Roommate Conflicts
Roommate Conflicts 2
Prevent a Conflict
Conflict Scenarios

RAs Elle and Malaysia are both in this same major.



How many guests are allowed for each resident?

3 guests at a time, 1 overnight guest.


Is smoking allowed in the residence halls?

No! Though marijuana is legal in MA, because we are a public state school and the substance is not legal federally, it is not legal to have within the college campus.


To prevent a conflict what should you do individually?

Follow the rules of the dorm

Be respectful to each other


Tammy wants to have guests over. What should she do?

Contact her roommate first


What are the jobs of RAs?

  • To create a community within the floor/building

  • To host programs for the floor and engage residents

  • To serve as a resource and sense of support for all students

  • To assist in emergency situations

  • To hold residents accountable to the policies in a fair and equitable manner

  • To facilitate opportunities to insert JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) principles into the residential experience


When are guests required to be signed out? (Not including overnight guests)


What should you do if your roommate is smoking in the room?

Report it to your RAs


What is one of the things you should do at the beginning of the semester with your roommate?

Establish boundaries (Do your roommate/suitemate agreements if you haven't!)


Maya is smoking weed in her room with some friends. Her roommate Leah comes back in the room from her night class and is wanting to just take a shower, eat and go to sleep. What should she do about her roommate smoking in the room?

Go tell your RA ASAP


RD Erin lives on this floor.

3rd floor


What are some common roommate conflicts?

Being loud

Not being clean

Being disrespectful


Can both roommates be charged for the smell of weed in the room?



If all but one guest has to be out of the dorm by 12 am what should you do to prevent a roommate conflict?

Always have your guests out by 12 am


Kayla has 2 male friends that are just roaming the halls. What can happen to Kayla?

She can get in trouble for allowing her guests to just roam the halls. She needs to be with her guests at all times.

Who is the Assistant Housing Director? (The person above RD Erin)

Andrew Dore


Who should you contact about your roommate situation?

Contact your RA, or if need be talk to RD Erin


Can you fail a roomcheck because of the smell of weed?



If you have a problem with what your roommate is doing, what should you do?

Talk to your roommate ASAP in a peaceful manner. Communication is key!


What should happen before a roommate conflict can get to the last extreme extent?

Talk with your RA to set up a facilitated dialogue to discuss further plans with your roommate. If needed, RD Erin can get involved.

Which Pokémon game specifically is the 18th floor based on? (hint: Release date is November 21st, 2002!)

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (Gen 3)


List some ways to prevent a conflict with your roommate

- Follow the Rules

- Communicate everything

- If needed, contact your RA to set up a roommate mediation


When is the best time to contact your RA about a situation?



What are the best things to keep in mind when discussing with your roommate how you feel?

Use "I feel" statements

Find a time when you and your roommate are relaxed — not busy, stressed, or surrounded by other people

Suggest compromises!


Kristina wants to switch rooms or dorms because she doesn't get along with her roommate. What is most likely to happen?

A facilitated dialogue will be set up between the two roommates in an attempt to find a compromise. If needed, it will be escalated up to Erin or any other higher professional worker. Room changes are very unlikely to happen unless very specific situations arise.
