The meaning of this root is against
What is anti
The meaning of the root word is power
What is dyna
The extreme love of books
what is bibliophile
The meaning of the root Circ
What is round
The root of the following words; tranquil, requiem, acquit
What is quit
The meaning of this root is star
what is ast(er)
The root word gno meaning
to know
The meaning of the root word scheme
What is to plan
The meaning of this root word is teach
What is Doc
The root is sens meaning to feel. Green temperaments' are this
what is sensitive
I like books and I like the root word for books
What is biblio
The root word in this example kinetic
The root of the word telepathy
The root word of the word justice
What is jur
The meaning of this Latin root word is earth
What is terr
The root word in the word biology
What is bio
The word apologize has a root
What is log
The meaning of this root is bitter
acer, acri
All is the meaning of this root
What is Omni
The meaning of this Latin root word is to see
What is Vid/Vis
The root word in chromebook
What is chrome
The meaning of the word logos
what is word,study
The meaning of the root bene
What is good
The Latin root in the word Important
What is port
The first name of your English Teacher
What is Ryan aka Baldy Swags