This Enlightenment thinker wrote about people having God-given, or natural rights that no government should be able to take away. Among these are life, liberty and to own property.
Who was John Locke?
This religion is one of the oldest known monotheistic (one-god) religions in the world. It influenced our founding fathers with ideas such as natural law, equality, justice, and personal responsibility.
What is Judaism?
This is the type of democracy that was practiced in Ancient Greece. Citizens voted directly on laws in their city-states.
What is a Direct Democracy?
Because of Ancient Rome's large population, they used this form of government. Under this government, citizens vote for a smaller group of leaders to represent them when making laws
What is a republic, representative democracy or representative government?
This type of government is a government for the people by the people.
What is democracy?
This French Enlightenment thinker influenced the Framers of our Constitution to separate power across 3 branches; judicial, executive and legislative branches. These branches also have check and balance power over each other.
Who was Baron de Montesquieu?
This is the belief that beyond human laws, there is a universal set of moral rules that can be applied to any culture or system of justice. This idea has influenced Jewish, Greek, Roman, and Christian thinkers.
What is natural law?
This was largest polis (city-state) of the Ancient Greek empire.
What is Athens?
The plebeians (poor people of Rome) fought for political equality. The plebeians demanded that all laws be written so that the patricians (wealthy people) could not simply change them. All laws were then published on these tablets. This served as their written constitution.
What are the Twelve Tables?
The idea that no one is above the law is called this..
What is the rule of law?
This French Enlightenment thinker believed that the government should be set up based on the will of the people, better known as popular sovereignty.
Who was Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
Among Judaism's oldest and best-known laws and teachings are these set of rules. They discuss standards of right and wrong, such as "You shall not steal" and "You shall not murder."
Ancient Athens established the idea that those people who were legally recognized person of a political area (town, state, country..) were called this. Even though women were this, only men could vote.
What is a citizen?
Ancient Rome is credited with developing this in their government. This is when power is divided across more than one branch of government.
This idea of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke is that the people of a country agree to give up some freedoms in order to establish a government, as long as the government protects the people and keep order.
What is a social contract?
This Enlightenment thinker is credited with first writing about the social contract.
Who was Thomas Hobbes?
Some core beliefs ancient Judaism s that every man is equal, each of us have personal responsibilities for our reactions and one other idea. This idea states that no man is above the law.
What is the Rule of Law?
Direct Democracy, used by the Ancient Greeks, influenced some of the first townships in Colonial America. One of these townships were set up by this group of people; who later had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with the Native Americans
Who were the pilgrims?
When leaders and law makers are elected by citizens, these leaders should make laws that benefit who.
Who is all citizens?
This term means that every person accused of a crime will get equal treatment and no steps of the legal process will be skipped.
What is due process of law?
This Founding Father borrowed John Locke's ideas of Natural Rights (Life, liberty and property) when he wrote in the Declaration of Independence 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
Judaism belief in a natural law among men influenced John Locke and Thomas Jefferson to write about these. Examples of these are life, liberty, pursuit of happiness or property ownership.
What are natural rights?
A system of direct democracy works with a ______ population of citizens because each person's vote is counted and laws could be passed in a reasonable time. Answer 'small', 'large' or 'any'
What is a small population?
When citizens of a city, state, or country can vote or run for office, it is said they have _________ participation. (fill in the blank)
What is civic?
This idea that the established government should be that of the will of the people. Rousseau discussed this idea.
What is popular sovereignty?