What block goes into a fernace to make charcoal?
Wood and wooden planks
This song is very notable as a meme song from the game "UNDERTALE"
One certain roro is obsessed with what band?
In which year was the atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima?
Earlier this year YouTube decided to hide what button
Dislike button
The chain of numbers that determine world generation
This man is famous for wearing a red bandana and a U.S.A speedo.
Ricardo Milos
This roro is known for turning normal words into roro words.
Who was the famous ruler over the Roman Empire
What award is given to youtubers who surpass 50 million subscribers?
Ruby Playbutton
How many blocks of diamond ore can generate in a single vain?
a fat version of the cartoon character Bugs Bunny
Big Chungus
Taqi's first girlfriend
What face appears on the five dollar bill
Abraham Lincoln
YouTube was founded by three men all of which workedfor what multibillion-dollar company
Notch's dead brother
The youtuber started the popular trend 'Harlem Shake'
Filthy Frank
Who was the first roro/s to hangout in Jabriya Park?
Sentic and NKI
He was known for "I Have A Dream" speech
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Which youtuber lost the most subscribers in one day?
James Charles
In Minecraft, What real life animal produced the sound effects of the Ghast?
What year did doge originally blow up in
It was the war for the freedom of slaves
Civil War
Where is the Youtube Headquarters located
San Bruno, California