This gymnastics partner taught me a back handspring in the backyard
Mary Ann
This child executed protocol perfectly during our home fire drill
Kyle Maine Cherry
This is the name of the group of friends I met in college, and we’ve been hanging out together for 40 years
The Girls
This is the thing I cannot stand to touch
I facetimed with this cartoon character with Omar, Marisa and Jacob.
Minnie Mouse
This was my favorite childhood TV show
The Brady Bunch
This night was the toughest night to endure as a mom
The lonesome night I breastfed Jacob while Marisa vomited endlessly
This is the person I love to binge-watch 'Shrinking' with
This is the thing that made me nauseous when I was pregnant with Marisa
Red Sauce/Pizza
This is the ice cream flavor that turned me into a bona fide ice cream maker.
Lavender Ice Cream
This was my favorite activity to do with neighbor Margaret Cano
Roller Skating
This was my favorite thing to do with the kids on a Friday night
Game Night
This person was my sloppiest roommate in college
This is the animal I hate when it's staring at me
This is my favorite TV show to watch when doing Kyle’s workouts.
The Voice
This is the name of the place where my family stayed in Yosemite every summer
Housekeeping Camp
The location where Jacob and I got lost during the East Coast family trip
Central Park
This is the number of years I cheered for USA
This smell makes me want to throw up, whether it's indoors, outdoors, on clothes, or on skin
This is the go-to cocktail people order for me when we're at a bar
Lemon Drop
I performed this musical in the summer with all of the neighborhood kids in my front yard
The Wizard of Oz
This was the show I took Marisa and Jacob to without getting lost or using Google Maps
This is the friend who makes me laugh the most
Andy Vaca
Jacob once lined this empty container alongside my bed because he knows how much it annoys me
Kleenex Boxes
This is the ride that makes me the happiest when I go to the Disney parks
Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout!