True or false: Rose picked blueberries as a child.
What is false?
Rose enjoyed watching this show featuring Alan Alda as a child. She still enjoys rewatching it.
What is M*A*S*H?
This is Roses gas station order.
What is a canned coffee?
True or False: Rose is scared of these.
If Rose was in the show "Avatar: The Last Airbender", she would be a _____ bender.
What is a water bender?
This is the reason Rose stopped playing soccer.
What is her dad yelled at her from the sidelines too much?
This is Roses favorite artist.
Bonus points if you can explain Roses conspiracy theory about this artists short term roommate.
Vincent Van Gogh
Paul Gaugin drove Van Gogh to the mania to cut off his ear.
This is something Rose watches or listens to everyday.
These people enjoy traveling to other countries. Their existence makes Rose irate.
Who are missionaries?
If Rose was a body of water, she would be a _____.
What is a river?
This is the amount of times Rose took her driving exam.
What is three?
This is Rose's favorite winter movie.
What is "The Thing" (1982)?
M. Night Shyamalan is one of Roses favorite directors. This is name of the one movie Rose believes could be so much better if he got the chance to remake it.
Bonus points if you can describe her conspiracy theory about why this movie is so bad.
What is "The Happening"?
Big Climate Change didn't want a movie about plants taking revenge on humans to be good.
This phenomenon that Rose hates occurs in movies and shows. She will mention it when she sees it most commonly in horror and action movies.
What is women with a full face of make up when waking up or in scenarios in which they would not have applied makeup?
If Rose was a gemstone, she would be a
What is Emerald?
This item was created when Rose was in high school and has been in both of her cars.
What is the ripped "Twenty One Pilots" CD?
This was Roses favorite childhood movie.
What is "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"?
This is Roses 30-second rule about songs.
What is that the singing must start within 30 seconds?
In addition to small mythical people, this is another fear Rose has about small things.
What is Trypophobia?
Or what is small holes or bumps?
An aversion to the sight of repetitive patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps.
If Rose was an apex predator, she would be a
Great White Shark
Polar Bear
Snow Leopard
What is a Snow Leopard.
(Bonus points for knowing the day I got her)
When was March 28th, 2007?
When was May 9th, 2007?
This is Roses favorite cookie brand and type.
Pepperidge Farm Double Chocolate Nantucket
True or False: Rose does not cheat at games.
What is true?
Rose has a fear of imps, gnomes, tiny elves, and other types of mythological tiny people. One movie is great example of why Rose fears these creatures. The name of this movie is ______.
Bonus points if you can name one of the writers of this film and name the creatures in this film.
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Guillermo del Toro
Out of these dog breeds, Rose would choose to be a ______.
What is a Newfoundland?