The three sounds a shofar makes
What is Tkiah, Teruah and Sh'varim?
The process of Tashlich
What is saying a תפילה next to a body of water about throwing our sins into the water?
The greeting we say to other people on Rosh Hashanah
What is לשנה טובה תיכתב ותיחתם?
Hatarat Nedarim
What is annulling your promises in front of a בית דין of 3?
The date of Yom Kippur on the Jewish calendar
What is י׳ תשרי?
The number of seeds we say that a pomegranate has
What is 613?
Why we blow the shofar (there are multiple answers)
What is it's the way of appointing Hashem as King, the sound is a wake up call for our souls
What you should do in the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
What is do תשובה?
The color of clothes we traditionally wear on Rosh HaShana
What is white?
Name all of the 7 fruits or vegetables listed in the תנ״ך called the Seven Species of Israel
What is wheat, barley, grape, fig, pomegranates, olives and dates
What is repent or apologize
The number of times a shofar can be heard during תפילה on Rosh Hashanah. Hint: It is between 50 and 300
What is 100?
The most important part of תפילה on Yom Kippur
What is the עבודה?
What the Days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called in English
What is Days of Awe
The סימנים for Rosh Hashanah (name as many as you can- in English!)
Sheep head/fish head
Apples in honey
Green beans
The 5 things that are אסור on Yom Kippur
What are eating, drinking, wearing leather shoes, bathing, anointing?