3 cycles
How many cycles is the material divided into?
NNK is short for this.
What is National Number Knockout.
This Classical Conversations program for teens was developed first. Although it is a drop-off program and meant to develop independent learning skills, it is not a DROP-OUT program for parents.
What is the Challenge Program?
The organizing principle to approach the study of mathematics in The Math Map curriculum.
What is dimensionality?
This is the number one reason we should learn and teach Latin in our homeschools.
What is "to know Him and make Him known"
Science experiments, art, and learning new memory work.
What are some things we do on community day?
This is the amount of numbers used for NNK.
What is three?
These are the six strands covered during each of the 6 years of Challenge.
What are Logic, Grammar, Research, Exposition/Composition, Debate, and Reasoning?
To equip parents with the grammar of math by presenting college notation at a kindergarten level.
What is the goal of The Math Map?
This is the second reason we should learn and teach Latin in our homeschools.
What is "God calls us to do hard things"?
Ages 4-12
How old are the children in Foundations?
This is who the essentials tutor is tutoring.
Who is the parent?
These Aristotelian five common topics are used routinely in each strand to develop knowledge and understanding and cultivate rich conversations.
What are definition, circumstance, comparison, relationship, and testimony?
0D, 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, nD
What are the dimensions?
Latin is a language of stems and these.
What are endings?
To know God and make Him known.
What is our mission at CC?
IEW is short for this.
What is Institute for Excellence in Writing?
These five canons of Rhetoric utilize the NAME and 5CT tools in order to communicate truth, beauty, and goodness, both written and oral.
What are invention, arrangement, elocution, memory, and delivery?
The Latin title of the first lesson in The Math Map, that states the truth of creation and the perfect beginning from which to study mathematics.
What is Ex Nihilo?
Any ONE of a multitude of online non-CC resources to help your child be solid in Latin.
What is more than we can count?
Latin with Andy, Memoria Press, Magistra Jones, DwayneThomas.com
History, science, English, geography, math, and Latin.
What subjects are covered in Foundations?
The seven sentence patterns are found on this chart.
What is chart A?
This is the minimum age one must be by September 30 in order to enter the Challenge A Program.
What is 12?
Art that shows the connections between beauty and mathematics and demonstrates how math is more than just calculations.
What are the The Math Map booklet covers?
In choro recitemus Firet Conjugate present tense present stem ama-
What are
amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant?