First Club chartered in USVI
What is Rotary Club of St. Thomas?
Rotary District 7020 Governor 2023-2024
Who is David Kirkaldy?
One of our Founding Fathers
Who is Paul Harris?
Age range of Interactors
What is 12-18 years old?
Two types of grants
What is district and global?
Second Club chartered in USVI
What is Rotary Club of St. Croix?
Four countires of District 7020
What is Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Barth, St. Maarten, St. Martin, The Bahamans, Turks & Caicos, US Virgin Islands?
Rotary International President 2023-2024
Who is Gordon R. McInally ?
What is Rotary Youth Leadership Award
Arch Klumph Society contribution
What is $250,000?
Number of Rotary Clubs in the USVI
What is 10?
What is Zone 34?
Rotary Theme 2023-2024
What is Create Hope in the World?
Number of Interact Clubs in USVI
Five Avenues of Service
What is Vocational Service, Club Service, International Service, Community Service, Youth Service
Island first District Governor of USVI was from
What is St. Thomas?
Current Major Signature Rotary District 7020 Project
Introduced Four Way Test to Rotary
Who Is Herbert J. Taylor?
Interact week is celebrated
What is week of November 5th?
Guiding Principles
What is Object of Rotary?
One District Governor from St. Thomas and one from St. Croix
Who is Sanseric Powell, Rupert Ross, Richard Grant, Deborah Howell?
Who is W. Fritz Humphries, Mulo Alwani, Diana White?
First Rotary International President from District 7020 and year
Who is Barry Rassin in 2018-2019?
The year in which women were allowed to join Rotary
What is 1987?
Year Interact Club was first Certified
What is 1962? (In Florida)
Seven Areas of Focus
What is Peacebuilding and conflict prevention • Disease prevention and treatment • Water, sanitation, and hygiene • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Community economic development • Environment