He is the founder of Rotary
Paul Harris
He is the first president of the Rotary Club of St. Andrew North
Robert Parchment
The number of Rotarians worldwide
1.2 million
He is a Past Rotary International President
Barry Rassin
RYLA is an acronym for this
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
He created the Four Way Test
Herbert J. Taylor
She's the first female Northerner
Kameika Fullerton-DeLisser
This is Rotary's secondary motto
One Profits Most Who Serves Best
Number of countries in the District
The first Rotaract Club was chartered on this date
March 13, 1968
Rotary was founded on this date
February 23, 1905
This Northerner is a Past District Governor
Errol Alberga
New Generations/Youth Service was made fifth avenue of service in this year
He's a medical doctor from Haiti
Dr. Robert Leger
The youngest members of the Rotary Family
EarlyAct Club
Women were officially allowed to join Rotary in this year
He is Jamaica's own Colonel Sanders
Donald Patterson
Rotary's newest area of focus
Supporting the environment
She's the first female District Governor
Diana White
Rotaract will begin to pay dues to Rotary International on this date
July 1, 2022
Rotary Foundation was created in this year and by this RI President
1917 by Arch Klumph
He's the king of the Safari
Cecil Beharry
Rotary's six areas of focus
Peace and Conflict Resolution
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Economic and Community Development
Number of clubs in the district
Number of Interact Clubs globally