Give the definition of revolution
Revolution is the movement of one object around another.
Give the definition of rotation
Rotation is the spinning of an object around its own axis.
It is an object that travels around a planet or moon.
What are the two seasons in the Philippines?
dry season and wet season
It is the point in Earth's orbit where it is farthest from the Sun.
How long does it take for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun?
It takes 365.25 days
In which direction does the Earth rotate?
How long it takes the moon to go through a full cycle of phases.
29.5 days
What is the imaginary line where earth rotates?
It is the point in Earth's orbit where it is closest to the Sun.
What is the term for Earth's path around the Sun?
How long does it take for the Earth to complete one full rotation?
one day/24 hours
If you can only see half of the Moon, is it in the gibbous, full, or quarter phase?
These are the two reasons that Earth has seasons.
tilt of the Earth and revolution around the sun
It is the longest day of the year, when the Earth is tilted closest to the Sun.
Summer Solstice
In which direction does the Earth revolve around the Sun?
What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
What is it called when we see two full moons in one month?
blue moon
This is a pulling force between two objects. We have it here on Earth and the moon has it, but it is much less.
It is the shortest day of the year, when the Earth is tilted farthest from the Sun.
winter solstice
What is the year called that has 366 days instead of 365?
leap year
What causes day and night on Earth?
Earth's Rotation
What is the term for the dark shadow cast on the Moon during a lunar eclipse?
What season is experienced by the part of the Earth that is tilted toward the Sun?
summer/dry season
What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
Prime Meridian