5 silver stars
Who is the Commander in Chief?
Mr. Joe Biden
What is the 1st order of the sentry?
Take charge of this post and all government property in view
What is an E-2 and insignia?
Seaman Apprentice, 2 silver hash marks
How many belt loops are on a standard pair of pants and why?
7, for the seven seas
What is 9 am in military time?
Who is the Secretary of the Navy?
Mr. Carlos Del Toro
What is the 3rd order of the sentry?
Report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce
What is an E-4 and insignia?
PO3, eagle and one chevron
What is the correct measurement and placement for the JROTC bar?
1 7/8 inch from the collar point and centered on the left side
What is the 8th order of the sentry?
Give the alarm in case of fire or disorder
Who is the Area Five Manager?
Mr. James Landis
What is the 5th order of the sentry?
Quit my post only when properly relieved
What is an E-6 and insignia?
PO1, eagle and three chevrons
What is the correct measurement and placement of the rank/rate insignia?
1 7/8 inch from the collar point and centered on the right side
What is an Captain's insignia in the Navy?
Silver eagle
Who is the Chief of Naval Operations?
Admiral Lisa Franchetti
What is the 7th order of the sentry?
Talk to no one except in the line of duty
SCPO, eagle anchor 1 star
What is the correct measurement and placement for the cover anchor?
2 inches from the fore crease and 1 1/2 inches from the bottom edge of the cap on the left side
Who is your Senior Naval Science Instructor?
LCDR Littlejohn
Who is the Commanding Officer?
C/CDR Thirkill
What is the 9th order of the sentry?
Call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions
Ensign, 1 gold bar
What is the correct measurement and placement for the cover rank?
2 inches from the fore crease and 1 1/2 inches from the bottom edge of the cap on the right side