This individual has ridden an elephant on multiple continents
Who is Alexi (King of the Elephants) Karamanos?
This Halifriend played Tuba in school
Who is Chelsey Connell
A keyboard Shortcut to terminate an application.
What is ctrl-alt-delete
This individual had a trifecta injury (ACL, MCL, and Meniscus) and required surgery.
Who is Erika Miller?
This individual competed in modern Pentathlons
Who is Emma Marquis?
This individual failed their drivers' test because they tried to merge into a transfer truck.
Who is Emma "Oopsie" Marquis
This Halifriend played Piano and Trombone in Highschool
Who is Alexi Karamanos
Member of the woodwind family even though it is made of brass.
What is Alto Saxophone
This individual impersonated their sister to go see a doctor.
Who is Larissa?
Won Valedictorian in Grade 8
Who is Anton Sianchuk?
This Individual used to cut grapefruits in half and stick their elbow in them to make them softer.
Who is Olivia Devine
Daily Double
This Halifriend played drums in band in high school
Who is Simon Benetti
"Breezeblocks" and "Left Hand Free"
Who is Alt J?
Daily Double This Halifriend was feeling romantic and got their High School love a promise ring.
Who is Shawn "Loverboy" Ducharme
This individual was once ranked in the top 20 globally for a mobile game.
Who is Chelsey "Toonblast" Connell?
Daily Double: This individual had a lung collapse at 17 years old
Who is Simon Benetti?
Who is Oliva Devine
Daily Double: Found in foods like Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, and Lindor Chocolate Truffles.
What is Malt
This individual almost went to Quebec to play their preferred sport, but months before they got rid of the program.
Who is Anton Sianchuk
This Individual won a children's pageant between the ages of 7-9 years old
Who is Chris Saulnier?
This individual hates puppets of any kind. Even the Muppets are unsettling.
Who is Kae?
This individual played trumpet in Highschool
A loosely connected far-right political movement in the U.S. known for its rejection of mainstream conservatism, often associated with white nationalism and online activism.
What is Alt Right?
This individual broke a toilet seat in a public washroom and then hid the seat in a janitors closet. Still not satisfied this was enough they proceeded to attempt to lock the janitors closest door from the inside by climbing over the stall. This resulted in additionally breaking a pipe.
Who is Mahmoud?
Daily Double: This individual went to Sweden and Finland with an Atlantic Sports Team
Who is Erika Miller?