What is the hardest naturally occurring substance on Earth?
This value is, by definition, the smallest prime number.
Cruella de Vil is a character who appeared in what novel by Dodie Smith?
101 Dalmations
What ocean is on the West Coast of The United States?
What do you call it when a bowler makes three strikes in a row?
What geologic formation can be found coming from the ceiling of a cave formed from minerals and water?
What is the highest level of math taught in high school in New York State?
Who wrote the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”, published in 1960?
Harper Lee
In which state can you find the Grand Canyon?
How many holes are played in an average round of golf?
What piece of sporting equipment is closest to the size of the largest recorded hailstone?
What is another name for The Golden Ratio?
Fibonacci Sequence
The Great Gatsby was written by which author?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
What is the proper geographical term for a cluster or chain of islands?
In what game is “love” a score?
What year in the later 1900's was Earth Day first celebrated?
True or False: 51 is a Prime Number.
"And to think I saw it on Mulberry Street" was the first book published by which children’s author?
Dr. Seuss, Theodor Suess Geisel
What is the highest mountain in Africa?
Mount Kilimanjaro
What are the two national sports of Canada?
Lacrosse in the summer, ice hockey in the winter
What was the first genetically engineered plant?
According to the film The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, this number is associated with life, the universe, and everything.
How old was William Shakespeare when he died?
52 years old
Which sea is the world's smallest and shallowest sea?
Sea of Azov
What type of race is the Tour de France?
Bicycle race