What was the name of the street that Jean and Mark lived on in Vancouver in the early 1990s?
Sixty years ago, Canada adopted its red and white maple leaf flag in 1965. Name the country which has been using only red and white colours in its flag for the longest time.
Denmark (since 1219)
Tulip, sassafras and pawpaw trees can be found in this type of forest in southwestern Ontario?
The famous Canadian singer, Justin Bieber, was born on March 1 in this Ontario city.
Some of Jean's father's old shop tools were bought as vintage props for this popular Netflix show.
The Umbrella Academy (allegedly)
As a teenager, Jean grew this fruit as her summer job and first small business?
What 1960s artist was famous for his renderings of everyday objects?
Andy Warhol
What is the official flower of Ontario?
This actor, born on March 2, was the seventh to take on the role of James Bond.
Daniel Craig
Gene Wilder, Johnny Depp, and Timothée Chalamet all played the role of this main character from a favourite Roald Dahl children's story.
Willy Wonka
Barbara Eden starred in this 1960s TV show that has the NASA space program as part of its storyline.
I Dream of Jeannie
Which influential 1960s novel by Ken Kesey inspired a movement known as the "Merry Pranksters"?
"The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test"
Saskatoon berries were often added to this high-energy food that originated with Indigenous peoples living in Western North America.
This famous singer, born Stefani Germanotta in Manhattan on March 28, 1986, is better known by her professional name.
Lady Gaga
This puppeteer - famous for playing several Muppet characters and Yoda in Star Wars was born to parents who were also puppeteers.
Frank Oznowicz, better known as Frank Oz.
What is the name of Jean's favourite Muppet?
Miss Piggy
Which 1960s song was banned by the BBC for its perceived reference to drugs, despite its popularity?
Lucy in the sky
Internationally, these dark red berries are called lingonberries and were made famous with IKEA's lingonberry jam. But Newfoundlanders have another name for them.
This famous Canadian actress was born on March 4, 1954 with a condition called "situs inversus" where the major internal organs are reversed from their normal positions.
Catherine O'Hara
Which 1968 film, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is widely regarded as one of the greatest science fiction films of all time?
2001: A Space Odyssey
What did Jean's dad say when he was told that Jean was having twins?
Jean who?
In which year did the United States land its first man on the moon?
Seeds from this ancient tree along the Dnipro River in Ukraine were brought back and planted in Mennonite communities in Ontario. What kind of tree was it?
Oak tree, the Chortitza Oak
Jean shares her birthday of March 16, 1965 with this Mark.
Prime Minister hopeful, Mark Carney
This 1960s actress, Patty Duke (who had her own TV show) is the mother of this actor from The Lord of the Rings.
Sean Astin who took the name of his stepfather, John Astin (Gomez from The Addams Family)