What is Center School.
You can practice your beer can jumpshot on this Brooks Ave Staple.
What is the beer tube?
What high school and college sport did Suzie play?
What is tennis?
What was the name of Zach's childhood dog?
Who is Brady.
Zach played this instrument in his post-grad band, The Proper Lovers?
What is the guitar.
Off the bench, Zach's senior year varsity bball minutes were cut short by this lanky hooper who started above him.
Who is Garret Marchant.
Lights, Camera, Action. Zach and friends wrote a TV pilot in college with this as the title.
Suzie attended this college.
What is Bates College?
What professional sports team is Zach's current dog named after?
This concoction made by Dirk Johns gave Skiest a 3 day hangover after the Cove family's graduation party in 2021.
What is fire water?
In the LHS 2016 production of Wizard of Oz, Zach stared as this character.
WHat is a crow?
Keep a steady rythm. This man was recognized by his pajama pants and biohazard hat.
Who is Eric Bolland?
That's gotta hurt... Zach lead Suzie down a ski trail at this mountain where she broke her back.
What is (i'm not sure)?
Timbers birthday shares a date with this commonly misunderstood mexican holiday which is commonly understood as mexican independence but really signifies Meixcos underdog victory against France at the Battle of Pueblea during the Franco-Mexican War.
What is Cinco de Mayo.
He's not even Jewish...What hospital did Zach work at in Boston.
What is Beth ISrael?
Who is Sydney Walt?
A pretty bed idea. Jack Carroll found himself sleeping under one of these after a crazy night out in Burlington in the summer of 2018.
What is under a car?
Young love. Zach and Suzie started dating in this grade.
What is ninth grade?
Named after Zach's dog Brady, Oakland Raiders partial owner, Tom Brady was not drafted by the Patriots until this round of the NFL draft.
What is the sixth round?
Zach had this occupation in Portland Oregon.
What is a bar tender.
During this year of high school, Zach poooped his pants before a wind ensemble concert thinking it would be a fart.
What is sophomore year?
Senior year of college, Zach created pong rankings for the Brookes Ave house and placed himself as this ranking.
What is second?
A garbage man. Kyle King spat this famous Burlington Bar drink in Suzie face in the summer of 2019.
What is a trash can?
Here kitty kitty. In 2004, police in this Scandinavian country reported more than 4,000 car accidents involving moose — more than any other nation on earth.
What is Sweden?
What are the current ages of Zach's siblings?
What are 25 & 22?