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How long did Jesus appear to the Apostles?

1) 7 days

2) 40 Days

3) 100 Days

2) 40 days


What was the name of the gate where the lame man begged every day?

1.) Beautiful

2.) Handsome

3.) Pearly

1) Beautiful


What did John and Peter do once they were released? 

1) They did not preach any more or speak of Jesus

2) They formed an angry mob

3) They went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them.

3) They went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them.


What does the bible say Stephen did among the people?

1)He cast out demons

2) He performed great wonders and signs

3) Both answers are correct

2) He performed great wonders and signs


What did the crowds do when they hear Phillip and saw the signs he performed? 

1)They stoned him

2) They paid close attention to what he said

3) They paid him for his help

2) They paid close attention to what he said


What did Jesus say would happen when Saul got up and when into the city of Damascus?

1) Saul would be thrown in prison

2) Saul would be persecuted 

3) Saul would be told what he must do

3) Saul would be told what he must do


Which prophet did Peter quote when he said "In the last days, GOD says, I will pour out my Spirit on all People"?

1) Isaiah


3) Joel

3) Joel


What were Peter and John witnesses of?

1) That the man was stealing money from the temple

2) That GOD raised Jesus from the dead.

3) both answers are correct

2) That GOD raised Jesus from the dead.


What did Barnabas, Ananias and Sapphira all do?

1) Give money to the apostles

2) Lied about the price of their land

3) Sold Land

3) Sold Land


What did Stephen say those who had received the law had done? 

1) They had obeyed it faithfully

2) They had shared it with others

3) They had not obeyed it

3) They had not obeyed it


What did Simon do after he heard Phillip?

1)He Believed and was baptized

2)He followed Phillip everywhere

3) Both answers are correct

3) Both answers are correct


What did Saul eat while he was blind?

1) Locusts and wild honey

2) He ate whatever he was given

2)He did not eat or drink anything

2)He did not eat or drink anything


After receiving Peter's Message and being baptized, how many were added to their number on the day of Pentecost? 

1) about 1,000

2) about 3,000

3) about 5,000

2) about 3,000


What did the rulers, Elders and teachers of the law ask Peter and John when they were first brought before them? 

1) By what power or what name did you do this?

2) What do you think you are doing?

3) Can you teach us about Jesus?

1) By what power or what name did you do this?


What did Peter say that Sapphira had done? 

1) Conspired to test the Spirit of the Lord

2) Lied to her Husband

3) both answers are correct.

1) Conspired to test the Spirit of the Lord


What did Stephen do when he was full of the Holy Spirit after testifying to the Sanhedrin? 

1) He looked up to heaven and saw the glory of GOD

2) He saw Jesus standing at the right hand of GOD. 

3) Both answers are correct

3) both answers are correct


What did Peter and John pray for the new believers in Samaria?

1) That they might be baptized 

2) that Phillip would lead them to a great victory

3) That they might receive the Holy Spirit

3) That they might receive the Holy Spirit


In Damascus who called to Ananias in a vision?

1) The Lord

2) The Holy Spirit

3) An Angel

1) The Lord


Who was staying in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost?

1) Cornelius and his family

2) GOD fearing Jews of every nation

3) Jesus

2) God Fearing Jews of Every Nation


Who did Peter say Jesus is? 

1) The Rock of Ages

2) The firm foundation

3)  the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.

3)  the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.


What did Peter say would happen to Sapphira?

1) She would be carried out just like her husband

2) She would have to repay the money

3) She would be rewarded for her honesty.

1) She would be carried out just like her husband


Where did the witnesses of Stephens stoning lay their coats?

1) At the feet of Saul

2) Over a nearby bench

3) They wore their coats

1) At the feet of saul


What was the Ethiopian reading when Phillip met him?

1) a Contract

2) The Book of Isaiah

3) The Book of Jeremiah

2) The Book of Isaiah


Why did Saul's followers take him by night and lower him in a basket through an opening in the wall?

1)Because the gates were locked

2) Because the jews were conspiring to kill him

3) Because Saul still could not see

2) Because the jews were conspiring to kill him


How often did the believers meet? 

1) Every day

2) only on Sundays

3) Once a week

1) Every day


What did the rulers and the elders of the people do to stop the gospel message from spreading any further?

1) They commanded Peter and John not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus.

2) They sentenced Peter and John to life in prison

3) The stoned Peter and John

1) They commanded Peter and John not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus.


What seized the whole church and all who heard about Ananias and Sapphira?

1) Vengeance

2) Great fear

3) Abundant pride

2) Great fear


Which of the following happened after Stephen's death? 

1) The church was scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. 

2) Saul began to destroy the church and put Men and Women in prision

3) both answers are correct

3) both answers are correct.


Where did Phillip appear after baptizing the Ethiopian?

1) Azotus

2) Samaria

3) Ethiopia

1) Azotus


What happened when the brothers learned that the Hellenistic Jews had tried to kill Saul?

1) They took him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus

2) They had the Hellenistic Jews arrested

3) Both answers are correct

1) They took him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus


Finish this verse: "We are witness of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom GOD has given..."

1) To those who obey him.

2) To those who call on his name.

3.) To those who have received his spirit.

1) To those who obey him.


Finished this verse: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name, under heaven, given to mankind by which ..."

1) We must pray to

2) We must fear

3) We must be saved.

3) We must be saved.


According to Hebrews 13:16, what should we not forget?

1) To say a prayer before bed

2) To read your Bible and go to church

3) To do good and to share with others

3) To do good and to share with others (for with such sacrifices GOD is pleased)


Finish this verse: Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive..."

1)immeasurable rewards and eternal life

2) The crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

3) answers to all his prayers.

2) The crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.


Finish this verse: "The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to..."

1) The wise

2) The confused

3) The simple

3) The simple


Finish this verse: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come: The old has gone..."

1)To be forever forgotten

2) The new is here!

3) eternal life is yours

2) The new is here!
