Kiwanis founded in this year
When is 1915?
The name of the annual Young Children Priority One project that Division 23 East does in December each year
What is Baby Love Christmas Project
These are the children are included in K-Kids
Who are primary/elementary school children 6-12 years old
The minimum number of members required to attend another club’s meeting to constitute an interclub, if your club membership is 20 or less.
What is 1
The official name of the District that Jamaica is part of.
What is the Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District of Kiwanis International
This is the number of Kiwanis objects
What is 6
The number of clubs in Division 23 East (as at October 1, 2024)
What is 20
Background checks for Kiwanis Advisors are valid for no more than 1 year. True or False
What is False
Any 3 Kiwanis International Regions
Where is Africa, Asia-Pacific, Canada (Eastern & Western) and Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, United States & Pacific Canada
The date of the EC&C District Convention this year
When is May 29-31, 2025
The place where the Kiwanis International Convention for 2024-2025 will be held.
Where is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.
The 1st Kiwanis club formed in Jamaica
What is Kiwanis Club of Kingston
This is the oldest of the Service Leadership Programs
What is Key Club
In accordance with your club bylaws, the club board must adopt separate budgets of estimated income and expenses for 2 types of funds of your club – These are the 2 funds?
What is Administrative and Service Funds
The number of voting delegates each club is entitled to send to the annual District Convention
The original name of the organization before the name was changed to Kiwanis
What is the Supreme Lodge Benevolent Order of Brothers
The 1st Jamaican EC&C Governor is from this Kiwanis club
What is the Kiwanis Club of Kingston
These are included in Aktion Clubs
Who are adults living with disabilities
They make up a Club’s Board?
Who is Club Officers and Elected Directors
The title of the EC&C District Officer with responsibility as the Service Leadership Program Coordinator
Who is the Governor-Elect
This was the original Kiwanis motto
What is “We Build”
The length of time a District Trustee serves for
What is 3 years
The date that Key Clubs started
When is 1925
This is the latest date in the KI year that the AGM can be held
When is May 15th
The approximate number of Kiwanians in the EC&C District as at October 1, 2024 (closest) 6,500, 7,000, 7,500, or 8,000
What is 7500 (exact 7,592)