This Meme is Well Known for its placement in Central Africa
What is Uganda Knuckles
What is the name of the Halloween event?
What is Junkenstine Revenge
What Country has the most people in it?
Where is China
Known as the most retarded person of the group.
Who is Logan 598
What is Hypixel
This Cat is well known for eating lasagna.
Who is Garfield
Who says this voice line:
"Put your security in my hands."
Who is Phara
Which country has never lost a war?
Where is Canada
How many people are there in the group?
How many hunger bars are filled from eating 1 cooked fish?
What is the most iconic Twitch meme?
What is Pepe the frog
Where is Shambali Monastery, Nepal.
What countries president said, "We Will print money and give it to the unemployed to end poverty"?
Who is South Africa's President
Who has the most roles in the group?
What was the first mob to be added to Minecraft?
what is a Creeper
What was Terry suppose to back up from?
What is Fireworks
What was the first event to be released?
What is the Summer event
How many countries are there in the world?
195 Countries
How many Canadians are there in the group?
what is the most damage you, as a player, do to a mob?
253 damage
Who Created the internet?
Who is Robert E. Kahn or Vinf Cerf
What was the name of the first Overwatch cinematic?
(Excluding the Cinematic Trailer)
What is Dragons
What is the largest European country?
(excluding Russia)
What is Ukraine
Name 5 countries that people in here reside from.
Where is Canda, United States, Turkey, Spain, Barbados, Greece, Korea
Whats was the second mob added to Minecraft?
What is The Illusioner