The Sky
Taku Iwasaki
The Real World

This classic anime series - and its rebuilds - features dozens of allusions to Jewish and Christian mystical traditions - with several outright references - but if you were to ask director Anno about them, he'll tell you they don't have any particular meaning (allegedly). 

What is "Neon Genesis Evangelion"


It's a whole new world we live in, but you can count on the highest grossing media franchise of all time to come out with a new anime series journeying through whatever region the games just launched with. 

What is "Pokémon"


Lifting - the act of flying into the sky using Trapar - allows for Renton Thurston to surf through the air in this futuristic anime. You might exclaim "I've found it!" once I remind you about the Gekkostate, the Nirvash, & 5 additional things. 

What is "Eureka Seven"


You won't have to drill far to figure out which anime's soundtrack we're talking about here - I mean, how many shows have opera singing in latin and throw some "Row Row Fight the Power" on top of it? 

What is "Gurren Lagann"


Every four years, one bid is accepted to host this month long football (soccer) event, which crowns the winning national team as World Champions. 

What is the "World Cup" (FIFA)


No Game No Life makes several references to this franchise, the line "Daga Kotowaru" being the 4th favorite line for Sora and Shiro - perhaps falling behind "WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY"

What is "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"


This studio, behind hits like Madoka & Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, was also responsible for animating the Pit / Dark Pit / Palutena reveal trailer for Smash Bros 3DS / Wii U. 

What is "Shaft"


Kurumatani Sora is the titular main character of this basketball manga, whose adaptation was so poorly received that even the mangaka publicly criticized it. 

What is "Ahiru no Sora"


Lotus Juice is a Japanese rapper who has collaborated on a few Taku Iwasaki tracks - Lay Back & Noratan to name a few - as well as with Shoji Meguro, the composer behind this metaverse exploring game. 

What is "Persona"


This extinct flightless bird, once found on the island of Mauritius was last seen in 1662, and became widely known through its appearance in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 

What is the "Dodo"


This pose - originally an homage/reference to Getter Robo G - is named after the studio behind Gunbuster (where the other common name for this pose comes from).

What is "Gainax Pose"


The Fire Emblem Franchise has gotten a 2-episode OVA, featuring this lord from the original NES title...and no his name is not Mars...come on English Dub. 

Who is "Marth"


This Tokyo landmark has important visual weight in Revue Starlight - though other anime like Haikyuu use it as a chance to poke fun at people from out of town, confusing random transmission towers for it. 

What is "Skytree / Tokyo Tower"


Not a fan of My Hero Academia's soundtrack? Maybe give this "Armed Detective" show a chance, with characters like Osamu Dazai, Atsushi Nakajima and more authors from all over the world than you could feed to roaming puppies. 

What is "Bungou Stray Dogs"


The assassination of this man in 1914 is often cited as one of the primary catalysts for the first World War. 

Who is "Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria" 


Hyouka's Movie Mystery Arc uses the closing phrase "Why didn't she ask EBA?" at the end of each episode - a reference to the title "Why Didn't They Ask Evans" written by this prolific mystery author. 

Who is "Agatha Christie"


The pink puffball of Dream Land fame has this 100 episode anime run with characters like Tiff & Tuff fleshing out the main cast. 

What is "Hoshi no Kirby" (Kirby: Right Back at Ya! / Kirby of the Stars)


This anime is a Replay favorite, and gets billing in his strategy/tactics videos frequently - as Ikta Solork's brand of military maneuvering in the Aldera mountains has plenty of teaching tools for those trying to learn how to write strategy. 

What is "Alderamin on the Sky" (Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin) 


Some would call this show the worse version of Kekkai Sensen (though they'd probably give note to its soundtrack), as that's what happens when your premise is about protecting a city that blends fantasy creatures in with modern society. The alliterative title doesn't go far beyond police & magic either. 

What is "Cop Craft"


This country had the world's youngest female head of government when Jacinda Ardern was sworn in as Prime Minister in 2017.

What is "New Zealand"


Lightning Fast Nighthardt is mentioned in Steins;Gate, a reference to this first installment in the Science Adventure franchise. You should play it as a VN though, apparently the anime adaptation is trash. 

What is "ChäoS;HEAd"


D-Frag's third episode features the showdown between the Real Game Creation Club & Game Creation Club (Provisional), where the Provisional team uses this Nintendo game's castle design for their entrance. 

What is "Super Mario Bros." 


If you've ever wanted to hear Mark Hamill yell "My eyes! I can't see!", you might want to check out the english dub of this film - the line coming after James Van Der Beek and Anna Paquin cast the spell of destruction. 

What is "Castle in the Sky"


This Gatchaman Crowds track constantly repeats the title of the anime melodically as it shreds on some electric guitar, and borrows its name from an iconic The Supremes song in which Diana Ross asks the listener to "stop...before [they] break her heart". Though really the question you'll be asking after listening to it is..."Who the hell are you?"

What is "In the Name of Love"


Originally discovered in 1940, these caves, located in Southwestern France contain some of the oldest known human art, at approximately 17,000 years old. 

What are the "Lascaux caves"
