What flavor of Pop Tarts does Buddy the Elf use in his spaghetti in Elf?
What is Chocolate?
Who is Drake?
How many U.S. presidents have been assassinated?
What is four?
Which coffeehouse did Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey hang out in on Friends?
What is the Central Perk?
What ingredient makes bread rise?
What is yeast?
Freddy Krueger wears a striped sweater that is which colors?
What is red and green?
Artist of song: "It Was a Good Day"
Who is Ice Cube?
The first man to walk on the moon,
Who is Neil Armstrong?
In what 2004 Quiz Show that Ken Jennings won over $ 2.5 Million?
What is Jeopardy?
What fast food restaurant sells the Big Mac?
What is Mc Donalds?
Where were The Lord of the Rings movies filmed?
Kanye West hometown
What is Chicago, IL?
Which team won the first Super Bowl?
Which U.S. state is the setting for the medical drama “Grey’s Anatomy?”
What is Washington?
What is the most commonly used oil in Chinese cooking?
What is Peanut Oil?
The head of what kind of animal is front-and-center in an infamous scene from The Godfather?
What is a horse?
Very first American Idol winner?
Who is Kelly Clarkson?
Inventor of the telephone?
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
What is the parallel universe featured in “Stranger Things” called?
What is the Upside Down?
"100% squeezed sunshine" is which company's advertising slogan?
What is Tropicana?
If you watch the Marvel movies in chronological order, which movie would you watch first?
What is Captain America: The First Avenger?
Queen of Pop
Who is Madonna?
Who painted the mural of “The Last Supper”?
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
Who is the nephew of the famous cartoon character, Scooby-Doo?
Who is Scrappy?
Which soft drink is the oldest soft drink in the USA?
What is Dr. Pepper?