What does HALT stand for?
Hunger, Anger, Lonely, Tired
Who is ARC's founder and CEO?
Tim Robinson
I spent 20 years in addiction, over 10 years in prison, and now 3 in recovery
Where can you go to get tested for HIV, Hep C and other STD's?
Health Department
It is important to show ______________ for the things we appreciate.
What is the colorful diagram that shows primary and secondary emotions?
Emotion wheel
How many total centers are currently in KY?
I once got kicked out of a treatment center and now I run one
Where can you find information on employment opportunities?
case manager, temp agency (NECCO), online search or job coach Brittany Kegley
Much like disappointment, ___________ can be a difficult emotion to cope with in recovery because you reflect back on past choices, actions, and behaviors.
"We create opportunities for people to discover hope and live their God-given destiny.” Is ARC's _________
I worked 6 years in corrections, 4 in foster care, 2 in the legal system and now I'm here serving you
I need help with acquiring EBT/SNAP benefits, what do I do?
Apply online, by phone or apply in person at your local DCBS office
Proper nutrition, water intake and ___________ can help reduce stress and make us feel better.
____________can be a risk factor for relapse. Many people find themselves with much more time on their hands without substance abuse to occupy their time.
What is required in OP to be compliant?
Weekly groups, individual counseling session once per month, negative drug screens
I spent many years in addiction and now I'm a deacon of my church
Where can I find food banks in Mt. Sterling?
Sterling Community Food Coalition
Ella's Outreach
Evergreen Baptist Church
Gateway Community Action
Taking a walk in ___________ can help us relax and clear our mind.
Name two primary emotions.
Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Surprise, Disgust
If someone you know is struggling with addiction what should you do?
I once won 100k in a weight loss competition
I want to get my GED, where do I go?
Montgomery County Adult Education, Contact Sheri Chapman
Reach out to your _________ _____________ if you need to talk to someone
sober supports