Healthy Relationships
Cycle of Violence and Healthy Boundaries
Health Careers and College
Study Skills

List 4 examples of abusive relationship characteristics? 

What are: 

  • Communicating in a hurtful or threatening way

  • Mistreating

  • Accusing the other of cheating when it’s untrue

  • Denying their actions are abusive

  • Controlling

  • Isolating their partner from others


The six steps in the cycle of violence are? 

What is: 

  1. Honeymoon phase

  2. Build-up phase

  3. Stand-over

  4. Explosion

  5. Remorse

  6. Pursuit 


Name four pros of college? 

What are? 

  1. Memorable experience

  2. An opportunity to become an expert in a subject you love

  3. An opportunity to prepare for a specific career path

  4. Most graduates tend to earn more than non-graduates

  5. College can be the first taste of independence for many

  6. College can broaden one’s mind

  7. College can help expand one’s career options

  8. Professionally, college can open doors that non-college goers can’t go through at all or easily

  9. College can help you learn how to deal with others

  10. College can introduce you to lifelong friends and help you form meaningful relationships 

  11. Going to college will make you apart of community that you will be able to share and relate to others post throughout your life 


The six memorization techniques include? 

What are? 


Relationships include these three types? 

What are family, friendships, and intimate or romantic?


Expecting someone else to make you happy is an example of? 

What is an unhealthy boundary? 


True or false: Private school is better than public school? 

What is false? 


An acronym is? 

What are letters to represents words? 


Strong relationships improve one's life by?

What is reducing stress and improving wellbeing? 


Resources for information on relationships include? 

What is love is respect, break the cycle, and Rainn? 


What is a pro to attending college? 

What is the first taste of independence? 

Memorization is the best way to learn material true or false? 

What is false? 


Being dishonest, only spending timing together, and being obsessed with one's partner is an example of? 

What is a red flag? 


The most dangerous phase in the cycle of violence? 

What is the explosion phase? 


Four things to consider when choosing a career include? 

What are: 

  • Job Opportunity/Demand/Availability

  • Educational requirements and cost

  • Salary (Consider location and hours)

  • Growth opportunity

  • Goals

  • Desired lifestyle

  • Skills

  • Personality

  • Values


You should study for no longer than ________ at a time before taking a break? 

What is an hour? 


Provide four characteristics of a healthy relationships? 

What are: 

  • Communicating

  • Respectful

  • Trusting

  • Honest

  • Equal

  • Enjoying personal time away from each other

  • Making mutual choices

  • economic/financial partners (equal balance of money)


Being comfortable disagreeing is an example of? 

What is a healthy boundary? 


A major benefit of community college is? 

What is affordability? 


In terms of attending college, what is am educational benefit of going to the military? 

What is the GI bill? 
