Why does Ms. Wilson let you all have Wellness Wednesday?
Because school can be hard and, when it's earned, you all deserve to have a mid-week break!
$$$ One million dollars $$$
What are you not allowed to have on days that AREN'T Wellness Wednesday?
Your phones
(Unless you've talked to Ms. Wilson and Mr. Frost about it first)
What is the one way to never have to do a Multiplication Matrix ever again?
Get 100/100
TRUE or FALSE: Mr. Frost is better at helping with science homework, whereas Ms. Wilson is really good with math homework.
FALSE: Mr. Frost is better at helping with MATH homework, whereas Ms. Wilson is really good with SCIENCE homework.
What is something you would have to pay the sales tax on?
Anything you buy in a store
Which did we do more in class: EdPuzzles or Kahoots?
What is the difference between an introvert and an extrovert?
Introverts prefer to be in their own space and hang out with themselves, while extroverts get their energy from being around others and interacting more.
Where did we go on a field trip at the beginning of the year?
The Petaluma Historical Library & Museum
Who are the two science teachers that you all have?
Ms. Smith and Mr. Keeble
Who do you NOT want to put on your resumé?
Any family member (specifically ones with the same last name as you)
What famous basketball player's growth mindset did we watch a video on?
Michael Jordan
What does it mean to be an ambivert?
a person who is a both an extrovert and an introvert.
On April Fool's Day, Ms. Wilson and Mr. Frost pranked you guys with what?
A very, very, very funny Kahoot
What school subject can you NOT do make-up work for in Study Skills?
What business did you run in the first educational game we played to learn about money?
A lemonade stand
Ms. Wilson made you all watch a video of what animal driving a golf cart?
An Orangutan!
What are three examples of an educational difficulty?
Where did Ms. Wilson get married?
At a "fancy" Taco Bell
What other period of the day does Ms. Wilson have a Study Skills class?
3rd period
What does it mean when you use a credit card?
You're paying for something with money you may or may not have and you have to pay it back to the bank or else you get debt
Name three EdPuzzles Ms. Wilson had you do in Study Skills
Answers can include: "SMART Goals", "What is Dyslexia?", "Understanding Dyscalculia", "Understanding Autism", "Note-Taking", "Active Studying", "2-Year vs 4-Year Colleges", "Growth Mindset", and "College, Trade school, or Work"
What are two ways Ms. Wilson taught you how to study?
Is Ms. Wilson pregnant?