This artist wrote and performed the albums "good kid, m.A.A.d. city" and "To Pimp a Butterfly".
Who is Kendrick Lamar?
"It Doesn't Fit in My Head" (Polish - 2015)
What is "Inside Out"?
This is the worst way to get out of 2v2v2.
What is a one hit slam by Aidan?
This meme gained popularity in 2018, coining the phrase, "Do you know da wae"?
What is Ugandan Knuckles?
This wavelength will have the highest measurement sensitivity for Solution B.
What is 630nm?
Taylor Swift's best album is Folklore. What is the fifth word of the second song on this album?
What is "phone"? ("Vintage tee, brand new phone")
"Action Skyscraper" (Norwegian - 1988)
What is "Die Hard"?
Colin's reaction after the ball he hits double bounces on the net.
What is a grunt of frustration?
What is "Always has been"?
This number corresponds to the amount of Pascals in one atmosphere.
What is 101325?
In 1967, The Velvet Underground released an album featuring a drawing of this fruit on the album cover.
What is a banana?
"Machine Implement People General Mobilization" (Chinese - 2008)
What is "WALL-E"?
This is the most efficient way to get across the net to complete a play.
What is bulldoze whoever is in the way?
This animal’s controversial death at a zoo sparked a series of memes and stories about him, so much that he was speculated to receive 11,000 votes in the presidential election.
Who is Harambe the Gorilla?
This crystal structure shares a name with a body feature and a shape.
What is FCC (Face Centered Cubic)?
This Beatles album contains the songs, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", "A Day in the Life", and "With a Little Help from My Friends".
What is Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band?
"The Dealer of Death" (Hungarian - 1984)
What is "The Terminator"?
The best way to get an interference call on another team.
What is hitting the ball straight at Jillian?
This text -- Notre Dame Football (went to Natty), Notre Dame Fencing (won Natty), Notre Dame Mens Basketball (worst in their conference) -- could be referring to this meme picture
What is the Three Headed Dragon Meme?
The last terms of the Navier Stokes equation are referred to as these.
What are the viscous terms?
Stevie Wonder won a Grammy for Best Album for this 1976 album.
What is Songs in the Key of Life?
"To Hell With the News" (Spanish - 2014)
What is "Anchorman 2"?
This is the biggest casualty of spikeball.
What is Nick's white socks getting "dirty"?
Whoever can describe the meme that correlates with this song best gets the points (it is currently Andrew’s favorite meme)
Hopeless core, anti-inspirational videos, inspirational box memes, pointless inspirational memes, etc…
Operating an equilibrium stripper at (L/V)max requires this many stages.
What is an infinite number?