This Anime involves the mass eating of humans.
What is Attack On Titan
Sterling is the youngest to two sisters who's names are.
Who are Anika and Natalia.
This is Sterling's first Anime that he grew up on involving ninjas.
What is Naruto.
This international location is where Sterling competed in a world cup for fencing.
What is Germany
This is Sterling's most favorite recent Shonen which is a basic storyline in a universe of Mages.
What is Black Clover.
Sterling's lock screen refers to his best friend who goes by the name of.
Who is Archie
This character is the finest shyt in this vast universe of a multitude of characters often using swords for combat.
Who is Zoro.
Sterling is referred as a ________ _______ when he's in Nyack particularly because he has no car.
What is a passenger princess.
This is Sterling's favorite manga of all time, it's the story of a boy being forced into becoming a mafia boss by a baby.
What is Reborn (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
Sterling lived outside of the U.S. in this place for four years up until he was in first grade.
What is London