This short printed ultra rare was directly responsible for the second wave of meta relevance for SPYRAL.
Magicians' Souls
The Handless combo!
Unlike in Infernity, these monsters could actually be LEGALLY set into the backrow.
Piloted by Raphael Neven at YCS Chicago, this cheap OTK deck used cards like azathot and powerful fusion monsters in order to dominate the playing field, getting him the win.
Toadally Awesome
One of the most notoriously short printed and powerful cards, this essential ritual monster played a critical role in boosting it's archetype's consistency.
Nekroz of Brionac
Weilded by the man who could control destiny, there was almost never a time in which he failed to come up heads.
Arcana Force
When destroyed by an opponent, these cards shuffle themselves back into the deck when destroyed by an opponent's card.
Piloted both by David Mendoza and Yishan McNabb, this unique monster has been stealing games out from under the noses of underprepared duelists with its extremely potent OTK potential, winning YCS Niagra Falls and placing 2nd at YCS portland.
Gren Majui
The hero who defends the light of the stars
Must destroy the darkness of the illusory world
And entrust his power to the chosen one.
The will inherited by the chalice of the stars will become a new key
And become the sword that cuts down darkness.
Check THIS out!
A card debated over hotly for the past couple of years, this powerful card challenged one's deckbuilding in favor of resource generation
Pot of Desires
This archetype was weilded by a minor antagonist in Duel Monsters and was the only person to legitimately defeat Yugi without having to resort to dirty tricks.
These ritual support cards could be used as fodder to boost up your ritual monster's defenses and grant them addition effeccts, such as targetting prevention and hand looping.
Placing in the top 4 in the Finnish Nationals of 2019, this 5Ds era deck managed to dominate the playing field due to its unique boss monster that many duelists were unprepared for.
Shown within this anime of Duel Monsters, this collosal monster's price tag is nearly comparable to how worthless it is.
Gate Guardian
This mad king weilded this archetype in order to coerce Jaden to the dark side, sacrificing both himself and Jaden's friends to create the Super Polymerization card.
Dark World
These free powerful summons were ultimately bogged down by their complete reliance on a field spell and the fact that there could only be one on the field at a time.
Placing top 64 in the French National Championship of 2019, this deck has finally broken a 5 year dry spell of irrelevacy and continues to be a rogue tier option to this day due to fairly recent support cards.
Rampaging Magic Power
That Wacky Magic!
An extremely old and powerful card for its time, this prize card was so essential in decks that players that could afford them ran it at 3.
Crush Card Virus
In order to become king of an alternate dimension, Adrian had sacrificed his caretaker Echo in order to wield the ultimate power.....of an FTK deck.
These monsters could all be discarded in order to apply certain defensive effects and are one of the oldest archetypes in the game!
Topping a brazilian UDS in 2019 and a toronto regional during zoo format, this archetype with WAY TOO MUCH TEXT remains a rogue favorite to this day with its incredible resource generation and its unique synchro bosses it could ladder into
Flower Cardians
Bolt from the Blue
A Wild Monster Appears!