Meaning ‘through my fault,’ these words emphasize personal remorse in the Confiteor.
What is mea culpa?
In 1950, Munificentissimus Deus declared the dogma of Mary’s Assumption under this pontiff.
Who is Pope Pius XII?
She spoke to Venerable Mary of Ágreda in 17th-century Spain, inspiring a mystical work called The Mystical City of God.
Who is the Blessed Virgin Mary? (Accept “Our Lady as revealed to Mary of Ágreda.”)
A 16th-century movement denying transubstantiation and the hierarchy of the Church, branching into forms like Lutheranism and Calvinism.
What is Protestantism?
This composer is nicknamed the 'Prince of Music'.
Who is Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina?
It’s the Latin dismissal at the end of Mass, meaning ‘Go, it is the dismissal.’
What is Ite, missa est?
He signed Rerum Novarum, championing the dignity of laborers and fair wages.
Who is Pope Leo XIII?
According to tradition, the first Marian shrine in history stands in Zaragoza, Spain, where Mary appeared to St. James
What is Our Lady of the Pillar?
Labeled by the Church as a 17th-century distortion of Augustine’s views on grace and free will, it thrived in France under the influence of Cornelius Jansen.
What is Jansenism?
This hour, begins with ‘Converte nos, Deus salutaris noster…’ in older breviaries.
What is Compline?
This two-word Latin phrase, opening the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, translates as ‘I will go unto the altar of God.’
What is Introibo ad altare Dei?
This Pope wrote an Papal Encyclical in regard to Christian Marriage called: "Casti Connubii".
Who is Pope Pius XI?
A 19th-century apparition in the French Alps, featuring a weeping Mary warning about blasphemy and neglect of Sundays.
What is Our Lady of La Salette?
A religious belief, particularly prominent in the Byzantine Empire, that rejects the use of religious images (icons) and advocates for their destruction.
What is Iconoclasm?
This sequence, once part of every Requiem Mass, dwells on the Last Judgment.
What is the Dies Irae?
This Latin phrase that means "the law of prayer is the law of belief"
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Pope Pius IX defined this Marian dogma in Ineffabilis Deus (1854).
What is the Immaculate Conception?
Dating to the 13th century, this devotion involves wearing a garment, famously associated with the ‘Sabbatine Privilege.
What is the Brown Scapular?
Condemned at the Council of Nicaea (325), this 4th-century heresy denied the full divinity of Christ.
This French religious congregation is renowned for reviving Gregorian chant and carefully editing the Liber Usualis.
Who are the Benedictines of Solesmes?
Translation: “Let us bless the Lord”
Usage: An alternative liturgical dismissal or acclamation in certain offices or Masses.
This 1832 encyclical issued by Pope Gregory XVI condemns religious indifferentism, modern liberal ideas, and supports the temporal power of the Papacy.
What is Mirari Vos?
In 1879, in Europe, Mary, St. Joseph, and St. John silently appeared at a parish gable, a vision known by this place name.
What is Knock (Our Lady of Knock)?
The belief that the spirit was good and the body was evil. Their heresy led to the deaths of many and a disregard for life. St. Dominic preached against this heresy.
What is the Albigensian heresy?
This medieval sequence, assigned to Easter Sunday, declares: ‘Christ, the Lamb, has reconciled sinners with the Father.’ Name it.
What is Victimae Paschali Laudes?
After the Consecration, this Latin phrase is stated, translating to “The Mystery of Faith.”
What is Mysterium Fidei?
St. Pius X labeled Modernism the ‘synthesis of all heresies’ in this 1907 encyclical.
What is Pascendi Dominici Gregis?
In True Devotion, this phrase St Louis de Montfort describes a love of God and Mary free from self-interest, seeking only their glory rather than personal gain.
What is disinterested love?
Condemned at the Council of Ephesus (431), this heresy reduced Christ to two persons—one human, one divine—and refused to call Mary Theotokos (‘God-bearer’).
What is Nestorianism?
Born in Seville, he served as maestro di capilla at Toledo and Málaga. His motet O Magnum Mysterium exemplifies Spanish polyphony’s intensity.
Who is Cristóbal de Morales?