What is our favorite beach
Huntington Beach
what color was the brush in the front yard
what did we have to trap under the water to kill will swimming?
how many pools have we had
I think 2
What made Sarah mad that Dad showed Jevin
the location of the batteries
What was moms favorite thing from the whitter house
the barrel
how many years in a row did we pig farm
Why would mom only drive 50 mph the whole way back to north dakota
because the mattress's would squell and mom hated it
what year did hannah, jevin and sarah all graduate
2017, 2018, 2020
What was two things that Princpal Dawnson had to do if the school meet there reading goal?
kiss a pig and spend the day on the roof
how many beds and baths was there
2 bed and 1 bath
who needs sleds when you can "borrow" these from the local auto parts store
inflatable bus tire tube thing
What was the Friesens dogs name?
how many vehcles does Jevin and Sarah own together
What was the first game that Sarah showed Jevin
Settlers of Catan
what was dads prized posession
the lawn
How many different vehicles did we go through
debate time
what are two werid noises that you could hear at the Soo st house
monkeys howling and the train
Impersonate mom using the word shananagins
"stop your s s s s s s s s shananagins"
What did sarah and hannah make with dad in Washington
what was the name of the dog that would walk around the block every day
what would initiate the "happy dance"
driving over a long bridge
What was our neightbors name at the Soo St house
name as many neighbors as you can from Washington
debate time
Who put the wallpaper up in the kitchen