What do we call the play during the celebration of Purim?
Purim Spiel
Which sefirah represents Giving or charity?
Which sefirah is Abraham associated with?
How many cups of wine do we have for Passover?
Bonus: the last cup is meant for who?
300 pts
Elijah the Prophet
How many years did we roam the desert?
What is the name of the scroll we read on Purim?
Megillat Esther or the Megillah
Which sefirah is the perfect balance between giving to others and self-care & represents the heart?
Jacob is associated with this sefirah?
How many times do we wash our hand during the Passover Seder?
How many times did Moses do up to receive the Torah/ Ten Commandments/ stone tablets?
Bonus: Why?
B/c he smashed the first set, b/c he saw them doing idol worship
Who is the villain of the Purim story?
Haman Boooo!!!!
Taking inspired action is the attribute of this sefirah?
King Solomon represents this sefirah?
What are the middle days of Passover called?
Chol hamoed
What were they commanded to build in the wilderness to dedicate to HaShem?
Mishkan or Tabernacle
All the Jews were almost annihilated on which date?
14th of Adar
I represent the crown, which sefirah am I?
Isaac teaches us about boundaries and self-care which sefirah does he represent?
Who are the 4 children represented in the Passover Seder?
1) Wise
2) Wicked
3) Simple
4) The one who doesn't know how to ask a question
Moses went up to Mt. Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights to receive the 10 Commandments, What was the big sin that the Israelites committed at this time?
They made and worshiped the golden calf
What is the name of the holiday in which all walled cities celebrate Purim?
100 extra points for the date
500 points if you can tell me the moon phase of the day
Shushan Purim
15th of Adar
Full Moon
I am the inspiration, the flash of light of wisdom, which sefirah am I ?
King David laid the foundations for the Temple to be built by his son, Solomon, which sefirah does King David represent?
What is the date of Passover?
Bonus 300pts: If you can tell me the phase of the moon on this date.
15 of Nissan
Full Moon
Whoa was the architect of the Mishkan?