La Giaconda is better known as what?
Mona Lisa
What part of the ginger plant is used in cooking?
The Root
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
A clock
What kind of slipper does "Cinderella" wear?
Who painted the walls and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Carrots are a good source of which vitamin?
Vitamin A
What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A palm
What do Hansel and Gretel leave behind to find their way back in "Hansel and Gretel"?
Bread Crumbs
Canada is a bilingual country, but what is the only officially bilingual province?
New Brunswick
Which Spanish painter was quoted as saying 'I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them'?
What type of milk was Mozzarella cheese traditionally produces from?
Buffalo Milk
Where does Friday come before Thursday?
In the dictionary
Where must Beauty reside in "Beauty and the Beast"?
The Beast's Castle
Whose face is on the Canadian hundred-dollar bill?
Robert Borden
Which controversial artist painted pictures of cans of Campbell's soup?
Andy Warhol
What sort of food is a rollmop?
Three men were in a boat. It capsized, but only two got their hair wet. Why?
One was bald
Who wrote The Ugly Duckling?
A. Jules Verne
B. Robinson Crusoe
Who wrote The Ugly Duckling?
A. Jules Verne
B. Robinson Crusoe
C. Stephen King
D. Hans Christian Andersen
C. Hans Christian Andersen
Who was the Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1979?
Pierre Elliot Trudeau
What is the large art museum located in New York City?
Metropolitan Museum of Art
What is fresh coriander also known as?
How many letters are there in "the English alphabet"?
There are 18: 3 in the, 7 in English, and 8 in alphabet.
In the Lewis Carroll novel 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', which birds were used as mallets in a croquet game?
In which province a referendum on independence was held in 1995?