This is something that includes, but is not limited to, income from fees for services performed.
What is "program income"?
Contractors who are not in compliance with DSHS rules could be considered a ______________ grantee.
What is "high risk"?
This is where would you place pamphlets created by a 3rd party on the DSHS budget template.
What is "supplies"?
Staff can use something purchased by another grant.
Do you include longevity pay on your budget?
These are systems, procedures, and methods to ensure the contracting entity and program attachment objectives (SOW) will be achieved.
What are "Sound Management Practices"?
Unallowable costs include (I have listed five, but this is not a comprehensive list).
–Membership in business & professional organizations involved in lobbying efforts (anything within this scope must be approved by DSHS)
This is where would you place Crane West on the DSHS budget template.
What is "contractual"?
Amy and Brandi are the only people responsible for making sure spending is within the budget.
Is overtime allowable?
No UNLESS you have prior approval from DSHS or it is an emergency.
DSHS defines this as "a capital asset over $5,000 with an estimated lifespan of 1+ years."
What is "equipment"?
All expenses should be classified and reported under the following categories (eight total; bonus for each additional answer)
–Fringe Benefits
–Indirect Costs
This is where you would put binding and printing on the DSHS budget template.
What is "other"?
Grant staff are required to save their desk calendars after use.
Do part time employees receive TMRS benefits?
This is something that, in its nature and amount, does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost.
What is "reasonabele cost"?
DSHS requires this before purchasing equipment.
What is written prior approval?
This is where you would place a $4,999 refrigerator on the DSHS budget template.
What is "supplies"?
Health insurance charges typically change every year.
Does $600 software go on the GC-11?
This is the guidebook for contract managers that are required to comply with UGMS.
What is the "Contractor's Financial Procedures Manual" (CFPM)?
UGMS stands for this.
What is "Uniform Grant Management Standards"?
This is where you would place in city mileage on the DSHS budget template.
What is "travel"?
The record retention period for grants is different from the State of Texas Records Retention Schedule.
Your contract term is September 01, 2023 to August 31, 2024. You have $2,456 remaining balance for the grant. On August 29, 2016, a staff member suggests that you make a quick order of office supplies to utilize all your money. You tell her: