Infection Control
Signs & Symptoms
Activity items on the shelves in the area can not be smaller than this.
What is a softball?
The #1 way to stop the spread of infection.
What is hand washing?
Things you report to the Nurse that have to do with an Individuals body.
What are reportable signs and symptoms?
Once per shift per quarter.
What is how often fire drills are done?
The Paged Statement "Assistance is Needed on West Wing"
What is.. The signal for Armed Intruder
This color dot indicates that this Individual should observe PICA precautions.
What is red?
Specialized clothing or equipment worn by employees for protection against health and safety hazards.
What is PPE's (Personal Protective Equipment)?
List 3 ways that we assess health needs.
What is Listening, Questioning and Observing?
Disaster drills (Severe weather, Natural disaster, Intruder, etc) are this often.
What is once per shift every 6 months?
Is what you do when you find an Individual with purple/blue lips, gray, chalky, pale skin, shallow breathing, body breathing, blowing breathing.
What is IMMEDIATELY yell for assistance from a nurse and begin CPR? Whoever hears the call for assistance will be responsible to page 'Code Blue'? {Code Blue all nursing staff to room ____. TWICE}
These are done three times a day, throughout the building to make sure that there are no items left out where Individuals could reach and mouth them.
What is Pica Sweep?
Name one way that germs are spread.
What is Direct Contact (One person directly touching another person); Indirect Contact (One person to an object to another person); Droplet Spread (Talking, spitting, through the air)?
Increased confusion, difficultly arousing, slurred speech, coughing, gagging, delay in swallowing, breathing more quickly, shortness of breath, labored breathing, nasal flaring, color changing, high pitched sounds while breathing, emesis (vomiting), blood in the stool, drainage from nose, eyes, wounds, stomas, catheters, urine that is dark and has a foul odor, urinating more often with little urine output, scrapes, cuts, bruising, rashes, bleeding, lips and gums that are not pink and moist, bleeding gums or lips, foul smelling breath, suspicious odors (sweet smelling, chemical, feces, etc) if individual gags excessively or coughs when brushing with a suction toothbrush, discoloration of nails or nail beds, changes in mood, behavior, crying, screaming, increased irritability, changes in gait (unsteady or weak), discomfort while walking, swelling, decreased in normal range of motion, injury or incident.
What are signs and/or symptoms that we report to the Nurse?
Video Bonus Question. What is this, where can you find it and what information does it give you.
What is an Annunciator panel; they are located in the front entrance, the Nurse's station (facing 300 hall) and the Electrical room on the service wing; It tells you the type of device (heat or smoke) number of device and location of device?
Facial expressions, body movements and posture, gestures, eye contact, touch.
What are examples of non verbal communication?
Fill in the blank: When items are found with parts missing, foam or other parts exposed, holes in items, staff must remove that item ______ and report it to the Supervisor________.
Name 5 types of PPE's.
What is Gloves, Gowns, Masks, Eye protection, Face shields, Hair nets, Hygiene (washing of hands), Breathing barrier/CPR shield?
Name the reporting guidelines for signs and symptoms (Everything you report).
What is 1) State what the individual claims is wrong; 2) Describe how the individual appears physically; 3) State when the symptoms first began or were noticed; 4) Describe any changes in individual’s eating habits/behavior; 5) Describe any vomiting, diarrhea or urinary problems; 6) Report any recent history of similar symptoms; 7) Describe any visible bleeding or swelling; 8) Describe any lack of movement or inability to move body parts; 9) If injured, how it happened; 10)Size of wound or injury 11) State only facts, NO opinion?
This is done anytime the sprinkler system is out of service.
What is a fire walk?
Move everyone into a bedroom,(or atleast behind firedoors) turn off lights and barricade doors.
What is.. Procedure for Armed Intruder
Name four out of the five things that we can do to prevent PICA behavior.
What is 1)sitting 1:1. 2)have a lidded trash can and hamper. 3)have a different blanket (tighter woven, which makes it more difficult to pull threads). 4)Pica sweep (pick up all trash, never leaving items in or on the individuals bed/floor/nightstand. 5) Keep all activities with small parts/pieces out of reach (stored in cabinets or drawers)
List the steps for hand washing.
What is Wet hands with WARM water, Use soap (it’s the chemical that disinfects), Rub hands together for 20-30 secs – making sure to clean all parts of each and – including under fingernails, Rinse hands under warm, running water with hands in downward position Dry hands on a paper towel (just as important as washing – friction helps remove more germs Turn off water with the paper towel and throw paper towel into trash can.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY - Name 2 signs / symptoms of illness for each of the following parts of the body. Ears, Respiratory, Eyes, Throat, Wound.
What is Ears (Pain, pulling at ear, redness, fever, diminished hearing, drainage); Respiratory (cough, phlegm, shortness of breath, wheezing, fever); Eyes (redness, swelling, eyes burning or painful, discharge); Throat (pain w/swallowing, refusal to eat, redness, hoarse voice, fever or skin rash); Wound (pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, pus and/or red streaks)?
Describe how a fire walk is completed.
What is every 15 minutes an identified staff person will go in a clear pattern throughout the building, using the "fire walk" keys, they will check every room for any indication of concern such a smoke, fire, intense heat or an odor which might indicate trouble of any of the above items. Completing the fire watch form as they go.
CHF - Congestive Heart Failure, Seizures, Asthma, COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, History of Chronic respiratory problems, High blood pressure, the very young or very old.
What is common conditions or diagnosis that predispose individuals to adverse reactions to Heat/Humidity and Cold Weather?