Where do I work?
What country am I currently living in?
Favourite psychedelic?
I've got sunshine...
on a cloudy day
Do I prefer animals or cars?
What is my adress?
Dalheimslyngen 27c
Which university did I study at?
Cardiff university
Favourite food
ramen with shitake mushrooms
Let it go, let it go...
Can't hold it back anymore
Do i prefer pasta or bread?
What famous character did Philip star in for the school play?
What language do I want to eventually learn?
Favourite book
Entangled (about mushrooms)
We are the champions, my friends...
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
I like when my mummy plays...
How much prize money was Philip not allowed have for the CCS prize? NOK
50 000
What's my favourite season
What crop have I tried to grow in 2024 for the first time?
Strumming my pain with his fingers, Singing my life with his words..
Killing me softly with his song
My favorite museum in Glasgow is...
Trasport museum/Riverside
ow many countries has Philip visited (+\- 4)
I have a pact with a friend that if we're both not married at X age, we'll marry each other. What age?
Future business interest?
Growing mushrooms 🍄
I've got to move on and be who I am...
I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
What do I call my grandparents?
Grammy, Pa, Mamie, Papie