Round 12,022 to the hundreds place
Estimate the sum to the thousands place. 3,578 + 2,721
4,000 + 3,000 Sum: 7,000
Estimate the quotient. 4,792 divided by 6
4,800 divided by 6 = 800
Cotter has 2,120,392 pennies. Morgan has 1,203,827 pennies. Estimate the total number of pennies they have to the nearest thousand.
2,120,000 + 1,204,000 sum: 3,324,000 pennies
Round 423,001 to the nearest ten thousand.
Estimate the quotient. 5,321 divided by 9
5,400 divided by 9 = 600
Nolan has 10,235 pages to read for homework. Abby has 321,301 read for homework. About how many more pages does Abby have to read than Nolan? Estimate to the nearest ten thousand.
320,000 - 10,000 difference: 310,000 more pages
Round 62,001 to the nearest ten thousand.
Estimate the quotient. 3,891 divided by 4
4,000 divided by 4 = 1,000
Sabrina has 1,251,838 words within her book. Jenna has 1,235,983 in her book. About how many more words are in Sabrina's book? Estimate to the nearest thousand.
1,252,000 - 1,236,000 difference: 12,000 more words
Round 9,119,932 to the nearest hundred thousand.
Estimate the quotient. 4,520 divided by 7
4,200 divided by 7 = 600
There are 8 students in the math class. Each student has read 79,312 pages through the school year. About how many pages have the students read? Estimate the product to the nearest thousand.
80,000 x 8 product: 640,000 pages
Round 29,983,542 to the nearest million.
Estimate the product to the nearest thousand. 89,921 x 4
90,000 x 4 product: 360,000
Estimate the quotient. 2,987 divided by 5
3,000 divided by 5 = 600
There is $2,313 to spend on class parties. There are 4 classrooms that need to plan a party. About how much money does each class get to spend?
$2,400 divided by 4 = $600