7 844
What is 8 000?
What is 70?
Round 67 to the tens place and then take away 10.
What is 60?
1 323
What is 1 000?
5 687....thousands
What is 6 000?
If you round 375 to the nearest hundred and subtract 50 you will get my number.
What is 350?
2 150
What is 2 000?
3 756.... tens
What is 3 760?
If you round 65 to the tens place and then round 28 to the tens place and add them together you will get my number.
What is 100?
1 372
What is 1 400?
54 566
What is 55 000?
87 675... ten thousands
What is 90 000?
A piece of candy cost $0.98 and you want to buy 5 pieces, this is about the amount of money you will need.
What is $5.00?
1 451
What is 1 450?
98 675
What is 98 700?
185 675
What is 186 000?
865 556.... ten thousands
What is 866 000?
I am a number. I am the sum of 1 271 rounded to the nearest ten AND 1 270 rounded to the nearest hundred.
What is 2 570?