Rounding to the Nearest Ten
Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
Word Problems
Rounding Vocabulary
Standard, Expanded, and Word Form
Round 57 to the nearest 10
What is 60 (remember to underline the digit in the tens place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 101 rounded to the nearest hundred (remember to underline the digit in the hundreds place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 100

In Mrs. Carpenter's Math classes there were 67 problems assigned. About how many rounded to the nearest ten were assigned?

What is 70?

Define what it means to round
What is to get an estimate
Define Standard Form
What is Number Form (to write the number)
Round 13 to the nearest ten (remember to underline the digit in the tens place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 10
Round 274 to the nearest hundred (remember to underline the digit in the hundreds place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 300
Jeremiah has 372 friends! About how many friends does he have? (Use RRHDW)
What is 400
Define about
What is an estimate
Write a number in Expanded Form?
What is example 6000 + 300+20+4
Round 19 to the nearest 10 (remember to underline the digit in the tens place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 20
Round 781 to the nearest 100 (remember to underline the digit in the hundreds place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 800

6th/7th grade classes are going on 39 field trips this year. About how many trips are they going on?

What is 40

What is the rule for rounding? If that numbers....
What is 5-9 round that number up the line, 4 or less go down oh yes
Write 3,421 in word form
What is three thousand, four hundred, twenty,one
Round 31 to the nearest 10 (remember to underline the digit in the tens place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 10
Round 888 to the nearest 100 (remember to underline the digit in the hundreds place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 900

A 6th grade class has 14 boys and 15 girls. About how many total Scholars does it have? 

What is 30


What is a halfway number? What is the halfway number between 0 and 10? Between 1-100?

What is the number in the middle? What is 5? What is 50?

Write a number in Standard, Expanded, and Word Form
What is example: 4,512 4000 + 500 + 10+ 2 four thousand, five hundred, ten, two
Round 78 to the nearest 10 (remember to underline the digit in the tens place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 80
Round 990 to the nearest hundred (remember to underline the digit in the hundreds place, next look next door: if the number's 5-9 ROUND THAT NUMBER UP THE LINE, if the number's 4 or LESS-ROUND THAT NUMBER DOWN OH YES!)
What is 1000
Mrs. Brown has 87 3rd Grade Scholars. Of the 87 Scholars, she wants 83 to be Proficient and Advanced. About how many total Scholars does Mrs. Brown want to be Proficient and Advanced?
What is 80
Define place value chart?
What is a chart to determine the value of a digit
Write 13,412 in expanded form and word form
What is thirteen thousand, four hundred, ten, two 10,000 + 3,000 + four hundred + ten+ two