According the the OBE standards, students who do not speak English at home are categorized as this unless testing opts them out.
Who are English Language Learners
Public schools are funded through they form of taxation.
What are property taxes?
A model where students are only taught in English and teachers are trained to make the input comprehensible
What is Structured English Emersion
Schumann thought that this type of distance greatly impacted language learning
What is Social Distance
This context free view of ELLs accounts for ELL performance by claiming certain cultures do not cultivate strong learners.
What is the cultural defect model
What is a potential long term English learner
These programs emphasize the importance of parents helping children with homework, volunteering in school and attending school functions.
What are parent involvement programs
What is ESL Pullout instruction
Students use this mechanism from Krashens theory to check how they speak and write against the rules they know a language they are speaking follows.
What is the Monitor?
This Orientation sees language as a problem that must be overcome for school success
These English learners are often born in the US and have been in school in the US for several years yet are still struggling academically.
This legal mandate impacting funding for schools has led to high stakes testing and the discouragement of many ELL students
What is the No Child Left Behind Act
Native English speakers are taught language through content instruction in a second language.
Enriched Immersion
Vygotsky argued that this zone is where students learned best
What is the zone of proximal development.
A model of language learning that often leads to loss of a native language is known as this.
What is a subtractive model?
This category of student is made up of groups who were either in the US before it became a country, were brought here as slaves, lived in regions of the US before they were a part of the US or came as refugees
Who are Involuntary Minorities
These three states have passed legislation restricting the use of students native language for instruction.
The view that bilinguas consider each language a seperate entity and construct in their minds
The concept that students can draw upon knowledge learned in one language as they are learning their second language.
What is the Common Underlying Proficiency model.
Studies have shown that reading books that are relevant to students in this particular way lead to better scores in comprehension and reader engagement.
What are culturally relevant books
This type of student often move back and forth between English and other language speaking countries
What are vaiven students?
Approximately half of all Latino students attend 90 to 100 percent minority schools in these two states.
English Language Learners and native speakers of English learn language through content in both English and the first language of the English Learners
What is Bilingual Education
Krashen argues that focusing on this would be more educative for students than focusing on what he defined as "learning"
What is acquisition?
This model for understanding influences on ELLs takes in to account the many different factors that impact a childs education
What is The contextual interaction model