Hand Signals
Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Outside the Classroom

Which hand signal should you do if you would like to ask a question?

Raise your hand silently


How should coats and boots be organized in the hallway?

Backpacks, snow pants, and jackets should be hung up on the hook, and boots should be neatly tucked close to the wall. 


When Ms. Ponting wants to get your attention, she will say "voices off and eyes on me in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." What is expected of you when the countdown is over?

Sitting silently with eyes on the teacher, hands not touching anything on your desk, and showing that you are ready to learn. 

How many times should Ms. Ponting have to give a direction before you listen to her?

What is the proper etiquette for walking in the hallways?

Single file, eyes forward, hands at your sides, transitioning silently. 


Which hand signal should you do if you need to go to the bathroom?

Raise your hand and cross your fingers silently

What kind of snack can you have during Mindful Mornings?

A snack that is small and healthy.


If you need a pencil, where can you look?

In the Pencil Lost and Found next to the hand-in bin. 


How do we earn Fun Friday?

You must earn 12/15 check marks on our chart. If you earn all 15, Ms. Ponting will bring a treat for the class.


When you get to the gym, what do you need to do?

Run 2 laps around the perimeter, then sit quietly on the red circle. 


Which hand signal should you do if you need to get a drink of water or refill your water bottle?

Raise your hand with 3 fingers up silently


Where does your lunch pail go when you come in in the morning?

In your cubby. 


Where does completed work go?

The black hand-in bin on the shelf under the window.


True or false: if you would like to share something with the class,  you can show this by sitting silently with your hand raised. 



True or false: when I am in another class (music, French, gym, etc.), it is okay to leave that class and come back to our classroom.



Which hand signal should you do if you want to show Ms. Ponting that you understand?

Thumbs up or okay. 


When Ms. Ponting calls your name to be dismissed at the END of the day, what should you do?

Stack your chair, pack your backpack, get your outdoor gear on, then re-enter the classroom calmly and sit on top of your desk. 


What are the expectations for a Brain Break?

Follow the video on the screen. If you do not want to participate, choose a quiet activity to do at your desk while it is on. 


What are the 4 steps of the Consequence Ladder?

1. Verbal warning 

2. Loss of a privilege 

3. Phone call home 

4. Office referral


In the library, how do we behave?

Enter and pick out your book silently. Once you have checked out a book, find a spot to sit and read.


True or false: the best way to get Ms. Ponting or Ms. Anderson's attention is to get out of your desk and walk over to them to show them a hand signal. 

FALSE! Please stay in your seat and wait patiently for one of us to call on you.


Name 3 behaviours that are NOT appropriate during entry or dismissal time. 

Examples: running in the hallway, putting hands on, yelling across the room at your classmates. 


What 3 things can I do if I finish my work early?

Read, write, or draw.


When Ms. Ponting is at the front of the room teaching, it is still okay to have quiet conversations with your neighbours as long as you whisper.

FALSE! Chatting during lessons distracts from your learning!


True or false: outside on the yard, it is okay to have hands on as long as everyone playing is okay with it. 

FALSE! Hands on at school is never allowed.
