What volume level should we be when we are lining up to go to lunch/recess/library/fire alarm?
What is Level Zero- no talking
What voice level should we be at for group work?
Ms. Cordar is working with a group at her back table- now is the time to go ask her a random question about the library
What is- FALSE! Small group time is important for the group she is working with
What is- Amira is important to help us become better readers, we should respect our teacher and technology and do what is asked
When it is time to get out our MyBooks/Journals/Computers, is that time to talk or make noise?
What is absolutely not
When working in a group, should we talk about our weekend, what we want to do, how boring this is?
What is- no way!
I see my friend from another class in the hallway, I can yell HI at them and leave the line to see them
What is- sorry, no! But I can give a little wave
Ms. Cordar is talking, is this a good time to talk to your neighbor or friend?
What is- nope! We should be actively listening
This worksheet is boring! I don't want to do this chart! I just won't do it! Why is this a bad idea?
While in the hallway, how should we walk?
What is- in a nice, quiet, line- following the person in front of you without stepping on them, not walking next to the line or running
How do we treat the other people in our group/person we are partners with?
What is-with respect and kindness. We do not have to be best friends with everyone, but everyone deserves respect and kindness.
There is a fire-drill- do we run to line and run out of the classroom?
What is- absolutely not! Get in line quickly and listen to the adults
The teacher is reading a story, I should sit on the rug and actively listen and participate in the conversation.
What is- TRUE! I love to hear your input and reading stories with you
I am done with my independent work, I am going to talk to my neighbor that is still working. What should I be doing instead?
What is- I should do something from the may do bin, check the may do file on schoology, or read a book- quietly!
When you are done with your work, should you talk to your neighbor, make lots of noise, or sing? What CAN you do?
What is- no, but we can read a book from the library or do work from the may do bin.
When working as a group, it is ok for one person to do all of the work or for two people to team up and do all of the work while the other two people just sit
What is- nope! We should work as a team- team work makes the dream work!
True or False- Walking in the hallway is a competition to see who can walk the fastest, slowest, and loudest
I am bored, this is not fun, I want to draw or write or read a book instead of listening to my teacher. Why is this a bad idea?
What is- I could miss directions, not know how to do something, or not understand something.
Ms. Cordar (or Ms. Clark) is working with her small group or with her RTI group at the end of the day- what should I be doing?
What is- What I am asked! It could be Amira, independent reading, or ST Math- but all are important and I am told to do it for a reason
Show me the proper way to line up to switch to Ms. Clark, and then show me how we should NOT line up
Group that buzzes first will get to demonstrate
Show me the proper way to sit and work with your table- show the proper volume level. Then show us the wrong way to work as a group!
Group that buzzes in first will show us, if done correctly points will be awarded.
Show me the proper way to line up at the door to go to lunch. All tables that do this correctly will get the points (you may get up and show me)
Line up quickly and quietly
The group that does this correctly will get the points.
Show me how to sit in your independent work. Tell me what are the 4 reasons that would allow you to come interrupt small group time.