This teacher loves sunshine, warm beaches, and flamingos.
Ms. Bobbi
Students eat breakfast, talk with friends, and get ready to learn.
In the morning before the bell rings
Students earn these when they do a great job at school
Pride Cards
True or false: It's not okay to touch or take things from other people without asking first.
The principal at Prairie Mountain
Mrs. Noack
This teacher likes talking in silly voices, owns more than one cape, and loves to drink tea.
Mr. D
Students tell a teacher about something good that happened at school today
Check out at the end of the day
True or false: It's important to use a quiet voice in the library
You can have one of these tools at a time, but take good care of it
Sensory tools, fidgets
The head custodian at Prairie Mountain
Mr. Aaron
This teacher's favorite color is purple and loves to go camping and on hikes with their family.
Ms. Sarah
Line up quietly, walk with a calm body, and stay on the sidewalk
Transition to and from outdoor recess
We are _______.
We listen to adults, follow instructions, and clean up after ourselves.
We are respectful
We need to earn 20 of these to earn a Chromebook break
Respectfulness points
The middle school librarian
Mrs. Clark
This teacher used to be a wrestler, wears a lot of black, and knows a lot about pizza.
Ms. Raina
True or False: When you finish eating your snack or lunch, you can put the wrappers, trash, and leftover food under your desk.
False. Wrappers, trash, and leftover food need to go in the garbage when you finish eating.
We do our _________.
We focus on our work, we keep trying when things are hard, and we ask for help when we need it.
We do our personal best.
Where do you put your classwork when you're all done?
The turn-in box
The assistant principal
Mr. Neil
This teacher has a cat named after an anime character, coaches basketball, and just got married.
Mrs. Evans-Wilder
At the end of the day, how should your desk area look?
Clean and organized with nothing on the ground and no garbage
We are ______.
We walk in the hallway, have a calm body, and
We are safe
What is out classroom saying that reminds us to ignore other students' behaviors?
WAY: Worry about yourself
The three ladies in the office
Ms. Bonnie, Ms. Lisa, and Ms. Miriam