What colors can your shoes be?
white and black
Morning Routine (list all)
- Unpack all Materials
- Backpack and lunch in the cubbies
- Sit in your seats
- Turn in any homework
What happens when the whistle blows?
sit down and stop talking
What is the line stops from the classroom to the yard?
end of hall/ top of the stairs - bottom of the stairs
Lining Up
- quietly
- line order
- no playing or talking
What day is regular uniform?
What day is PE uniform?
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Tuesday & Thursday
raise your hand
How long is snack time during recess?
10 minutes
What is the line stops from the yard to the classroom?
door outside the building - top of the stairs - wall before the classroom
Bathroom Routine
permission - sign out & sign in PROPERLY
How should you treat others?
golden rule - how you want to be treated
2 Part Question!
- Example of a hand signal
- What does that signal mean
It is both because whether you are talking about 1 or more than 1, it's always moose.
- fingers crossed - bathroom
- 1 finger (pointer) - exchange pencil
- 2 fingers - tissue
- 3 fingers - water
- full hand - question or comment
- pinky and thumb - connection/agreement
When and where can you eat?
Recess and lunch - inside the gate area
*special permission
Voice level in the hallway?
no talking - 0 voice level
Morning Routine (list all)
- Unpack all Materials
- Backpack and lunch in the cubbies
- Sit in your seats
- Turn in any homework
Purpose of Recess - all reasons
1. eat a snack
2. go to the bathroom
3. take a break
How should you be working during class time?
quietly - no talking to your neighbors
Where, when, and what can you drink liquids?
in the classroom (water only) - recess (yard) - PE (water only)
recess - lunch - classroom (water only)
water - juice - sports drink
What side of the stairs do you walk on?
right side
Packing Up Routine
Write Down Homework
Pack up Materials
line up your backpack in your spot
What happens during mindfulness?
- head down / eyes closed
- nothing in your hand
- listen & reflect
- lights off - sitting in your seat
Turning in Work - What do you do?
- cross off your name with 1 line
- place in bin properly
*if missing - tell the teacher - be honest
What areas should you not play or go in?
on the hill - without permission
by the cars - okay to get balls
How should you walk/stand in the hallway?
in line
not leaning on the walls
not touching everything as you walk by
*no high fiving others or touching the top of the door frames
Chairs - what should happen every time you get up?
push in your chair
What is the school wide learning expectation?
(name & what each means)
E - Exhibit
A - Appreciate
G - Grow
L - Learn
E - Explore
S - Serve
What is the #1 rule of the classroom?
How or when can you enter the building during lunch or recess?
asking a teacher's permission
When walking in the hall with other classes, how should you behave?
respectfully - quietly - do not cut off other people - common courtesy
Name and Number!