Before you share a thought/answer a question, what do you need to do?
Raise your hand!
Before you come to class you need to make sure your iPad is ____________.
What level should your voice be during bathroom breaks in the hallway?
Level 0!
What's the lowest score Ms. Schoen accepts on IXL assignments?
Anything less is a 0
What should you do if there is an emergency while Ms. Schoen is working with a student?
Tell her!!
What kinds of seats can use the wobble cushions?
The blue chairs
If you need an extra pencil where can you find them?
The "pencil" bin in the double door closet!
If we are not using writing utensils, where should all your writing utensils be kept?
Inside your CLOSED tool box/pencil pouch!
What will happen when Ms. Schoen has to remind the class to be quiet during small groups, silent work time, etc.?
You'll get a sad point ☹️
What level should your voice be at during study hall if you are NOT currently meeting with a teacher?
Level 0!
For you to earn 5 points from a teacher compliment, the compliment has to be about what?
The whole class' behavior
"Great job singing that song!"
"Great job coming to class quietly!"
After you get a flyer from the office or a graded paper back, where should it go?
Your take-home folder
During emergencies/drills what order do we line up in?
Fire-drill order (alphabetical order!)
What kinds of foods are NOT allowed for snack?
What has to happen before you can work on the choice board?
All current and late work needs to be finished. AKA: Your name is NOT on the to-do list a single time!
If you need to charge your iPad during class, where do you need to sit?
On a wooden stool by your outlet!
After you finish filling out your note page in your Social Studies notebook or Morpheme Lexicon, where should the notebook go?
In your bin!
During class time, when can you get up from your seat and choose to sit by a friend without permission from a teacher?
Outside of CommonLit, when can you use the flexible seating around the room?
When you're reading a book independently
What TWO things do you need to do before you leave to use the restroom?
1) ask Ms. Schoen for permission to leave
2) put on the bathroom pass
You walk into school on Monday. Where can you check to see what we are doing in Ms. Schoen's class on Thursday?
Your agenda on Schoology!
If you want to check out a book from Ms. Schoen's library, what app do you use to check it out?
Before entering the hallway as a class (going to lunch, PE, the bathroom, etc.) Ms. Schoen will wait until what?
The entire room is level 0
Where can you check to see if you've finished enough IXL study plans for the week?
click "view report" and look at the pie chart!
What order do we leave the classroom?
1) Group 1
2) Group 2
3) Group 3
4) Front row